As your Plants grow, you'll need to update the growth phase to track their progress and remain compliant. Follow the steps in this article to update Immature Plants to Vegetative Plants with individual tags, and from Vegetative to Flowering. Additionally, to customize stages throughout cultivation, outside of state compliance growth phases, Create Custom Growth Phases on Plants to track various benchmarks during the cultivation process.
In this article, we'll cover:
- Update Growth Phase from Immature to Vegetative
- Update Growth Phase from Vegetative to Flowering
- Revert Update Growth Phase Submissions
Update Growth Phase from Immature to Vegetative
Once Immature Plants in a Plant Batch reach a certain size and are more likely to survive, you'll need to update the growth phase to transition each surviving Immature Plant into a Vegetative Plant. A good time to update them is when they move out of trays and into permanent pots. During this process, each Plant will receive an individual Plant Tag to allow better tracking and independent updates.
- After updating the growth phase from Immature to Vegetative, you'll need to attach the new individual Plant Tags to each Vegetative Plant.
- For Metrc facilities, physically attach the assigned Metrc Plant Tags to each Plant
- For Non-Metrc facilities, print and attach Plant Tags: Setting Up and Printing Custom Labels
On the Web Application:
- Navigate to Plants > Plant Batches > View: Active
- Check the boxes next to each Plant Batch to select them
- This can be done in bulk by selecting multiple Plant Batches to update at once
- Select Actions > Update Growth Phase
- Starting Plant Tag will automatically pre-fill with the next available tag
- To apply the same updates to all selected Plant Batches at once, update the fields on the left side of the screen and then click Apply.
- Custom Growth Phase (optional) - this an optional Canix-only field for more granularity
- Amount to Update - leave this blank to update all Immature Plants in each Plant Batch.
Note when Bulk Updating Growth Phase:
The quantity entered into the Amount to Update field is the amount of plantings that you would like to update per Plant Batch. For the source of truth on how many plantings will be updated please pay attention to the Amount to Update field on each batch in the Vegetative Plants Summary on the right.-
- Growth Date - enter the date these Immature Plants became Vegetative
- Location - enter the location of these newly Vegetative Plants
- Lot ID - this is an optional Canix-only field used to track Plants through Harvest & Packaging
- To apply different updates to each selected Plant Batch, click into the Plant Batch details on the right side to edit the same fields as listed above
- Review all Plant Batch details to confirm accuracy before submitting
- Select Submit
Vegetative Plants can be viewed by navigating to Plants > Plants > View: Tracked Vegetative.
Update Growth Phase from Vegetative to Flowering
Once Vegetative Plants begin to Flower, you'll need to update the growth phase to transition them into Flowering Plants.
On the Web Application:
- Navigate to Plants > Plant > View: Tracked Vegetative
- Check the boxes next to each Vegetative Plant to select them - use filters to narrow your search, such as by Plant Batch, Location, or Strain. You can also scan tags directly into the tag field to scan > take actions.
- This can be done in bulk by selecting multiple to update at once - to select multiple consecutive tags, make your first selection and then hold shift when making your last selection
- Updating in bulk requires the same updates be applied to all selected Plants
- Select Actions > Move Plants to Flowering
- Update the fields in the Change To Flowering window to apply to all selected Plants at once
- Flowering Date: Enter the date these Vegetative Plants began Flowering
- New Location (optional): Update if the location of these Plants has changed
- Custom Growth Phase (optional): this an optional Canix-only field for more granularity
- Review all details to confirm accuracy before submitting
- Select Change Phase
Flowering Plants can be viewed by navigating to Plants > Plants > View: Tracked Flowering.
Revert Update Growth Phase Submissions
Metrc Facilities
To revert Update Growth Phase submissions, this must be done directly in Metrc.
- Log into Metrc
- From the top menu, navigate to Plants
- Select the tab for the current Phase of the Plants to be reverted, either Vegetative or Flowering
- Select Change Growth Phase
- In the new window, click the + if you wish to revert multiple Plants at once
- When updating multiple Plants at once, you can use the template options at the top to apply your selections to all included Plants
- Complete the required fields:
- Plant: type and select Plant Tag
- New Phase: select the new growth phase
- New Location (optional)
- Change Date
- Review all details to confirm accuracy before submitting
- Select Change Phase
- Return to Canix and Refresh Metrc Data to show these changes in Canix immediately
Non-Metrc Facilities
To revert Growth Phase submissions from Vegetative to Immature, please contact Canix Support.
To revert Growth Phase submissions from Flowering to Vegetative, see Revert Plants to Vegetative.