When Plants die or fail to thrive, you will need to destroy them to remove them from your Canix inventory. Destroying Vegetative or Flowering Plants will also require you to enter Plant Waste at the time of destruction. Follow the steps below to destroy both Immature or Mature Plants depending on the phase they are in.
In this article, we'll cover:
- Destroy Immature Plants
- Destroy Flowering or Vegetative Plants
- View Destroyed Plants
- Revert Plant Destruction Submissions
- Track Submissions
Once all Plants in a Plant Batch have been destroyed, the Plant Batch will automatically become Inactive. To view Inactive Plant Batches, navigate to Plants > Plant Batches > View: Inactive.
Destroy Immature Plants
On the Web Application:
- Navigate to Plants > Plant Batches: Active
- If needed, use the filters to narrow down your search
- Check the boxes next to each Plant Batch to select them
- This can be done in bulk by selecting multiple Plant Batches to Destroy Plantings in at once
- To select multiple consecutive Plant Batches, check the box of the first consecutive Plant Batch then hold shift when selecting the last Plant Batch; review your selections
- Select Actions > Destroy Plantings
- Carefully complete all required fields, including Amount to Destroy, Waste Entry Date, and Reason notes
- Verify everything looks correct, then select Submit
Destroy Mature Plants (Flowering/Vegetative)
Destroying Mature Plants also requires that you create waste at the time of destruction.
On the Web Application:
- Navigate to Plants > Plants
- From the View drop-down in the top right, select the status of the Plant(s) you wish to destroy: Tracked Flowering or Tracked Vegetative
- From that page, use the filters to narrow down your search (by Strain, Location, Plant Batch)
- Once you've narrowed it down, check the boxes next to each Plant tag to select them
- To select in bulk, check the box of the first consecutive Plant then hold shift when selecting the last consecutive Plant
- Select Actions > Destroy & Create Waste
- Complete all required fields, confirming everything is accurate
- Check the box to Destroy Plants - not checking this will create Waste and not Destroy
Verify the selected Plant(s) are correct, then click Submit
Note: If destroying plants when you select Submit and confirmation window will appear, "Confirm Plants Destruction: Are you sure you want to destroy these plants?" Select, Submit
View Destroyed Plants
View Destroyed Immature Plants
On the Web Application:
View the destroyed Immature Plant counts in the Destroyed column in Plants > Plant Batches >
- View: Active if the Plant Batch still has active Plants
- View: Inactive if the Plant Batch no longer has active Plants
View Destroyed Flowering or Vegetative Plants
On the Web Application:
- View the individual destroyed Flowering or Vegetative Plants by navigating to Plants > Plants > View: Flowering (Destroyed) or Vegetative (Destroyed).
- View the destroyed Flowering or Vegetative Plant counts in the Destroyed column in Plants > Plant Batches > View: Active if the Plant Batch still has active Plants or View: Inactive if the Plant Batch no longer has active Plants.
Revert Plant Destruction Submissions
Metrc Facilities
- Contact Metrc Support at support@metrc.com with screenshots and specific context on what to correct.
Non-Metrc Facilities
- Contact Canix Support - Submit a Support Ticket with screenshots and specific context on what to correct.
Track Submissions
Track Plant Destruction from your Submissions page in the Canix Web Application.
Metrc Facilities
- Navigate to Admin > Metrc Submissions > All to review or check the status of your submissions to Metrc. If the submission status is Failed, click on the submission name to see the Metrc error message.
Non-Metrc Facilities
- Navigate to Admin > User Submissions > All
Note: When creating Waste and Destroying one or more plants in Canix this will show as two separate submissions as these are two different actions. Clicking on the Submission Name will provide greater details such as the Plant tag number, strain, tag status, and waste weight. As shown below.