Create new Plant Batches from Mother Plants in your facility. The process is the same for Metrc and Non-Metrc facilities, but some language or steps will vary depending on your account type and state/country.
In this article, we'll cover:
Create Plant Batch from Mother
Bulk Create Plant Batches from Multiple Mothers
- View Plant Batches
- Edit or Delete Plant Batches
- Track Submissions
For other methods of creating Plant Batches, see:
To toggle Plants or Plant Batches to Mother, see Identify Mother Plants and Mother Plant Batches.
Create Plant Batch from Mother
For non-CA facilities
There are 2 places to Create Plant Batch from Mother plants. Follow the steps below.
From Plant Batches: Active
- Navigate to Plants > Plant Batches > View: Active
- Select Actions > Create Batch > From Mother
Complete all required fields, confirming everything is accurate
- Mother Plant Tag: Select the Vegetative Mother Plant Tag to use as the source
Batch Name: This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- If it does not auto-populate, you will have the option to type in an alphabetic or alphanumeric Plant Batch tag name here
- Clone or Seed: Select whether the Plants began from Clone or Seed
- Lot ID: Optional - enter an internal Lot ID to track these Plants all the way from Plant Batch to individual Plants to Harvest to Package
- Room: Location of the Plant Batch
- Strain: Select the Strain of the Plants
- Number of Immatures: Total number of Immature Plants to be created in this Plant Batch
Planted Date: The date you planted them
- Once completed, carefully review all details for accuracy
- Select + Create Plant Batch
From Plants: Vegetative (Tracked) or Plants: Mother Plants (Tracked)
- Navigate to Plants > Plants > View: Vegetative (Tracked) or Plants: Mother Plants (Tracked)
- Check the box next to the Mother Plant to be used as the source
Select Actions > Create Batch From Mother
Complete all required fields, confirming everything is accurate
- Mother Plant Tag: Select the Vegetative Mother Plant Tag to use as the source
Batch Name: This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- If it does not auto-populate, you will have the option to type in an alphabetic or alphanumeric Plant Batch tag name here
- Clone or Seed: Select whether the Plants began from Clone or Seed
- Lot ID: Optional - enter an internal Lot ID to track these Plants all the way from Plant Batch to individual Plants to Harvest to Package
- Room: Location of the Plant Batch
- Strain: Select the Strain of the Plants
- Number of Immatures: Total number of Immature Plants to be created in this Plant Batch
- Planted Date: The date you planted them
- Once completed, carefully review all details for accuracy
- Select + Create Plant Batch
For CA facilities
- Navigate to Plants > Plant Batches > View: Active
Check the box next to the Mother Plant Batch to be used as the source
- We suggest using filters to narrow your search (by Strain, Planted Date, etc)
- Select Actions > Create Batch > From Mother
Complete all required fields, confirming everything is accurate
Starting Plant Batch Tag: This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- Canix will auto-populate the lowest available Plant tag
- Planted Date: The date you planted them - this will pre-fill with todays date
- Location: Room the Plant Batch will be located in
- # Plant Batches: Total number of Plant Batches to be created at this time
# Plantings per Batch: Total number of Immature Plants to be created in each Plant Batch
Note: California allows a maximum of 100 plantings per batch. - Batch Type: Select whether the Plants began from Clone or Seed
- Strain: Select the Strain of the Plants
- Mark new batches as mother batches?: Toggle this on to label the new Plant Batch(es) as a Mother Plant Batch(es)
Intermediary Package Tag(s): Canix will auto-populate the lowest available Package tag
- This tag will be assigned to the interim Package of "Clone - Cutting" Immatures as required in CA during this process (with one Canix action, Immatures are packaged from Mother Plant Batch, then the Package of Immatures is unpackaged into a new Plant Batch)
- Select View Intermediary Package Summary to view all packages that will be used.
Item: Select the Item with matching Strain to be used for the interim Package of Immatures
Starting Plant Batch Tag: This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- Once completed, carefully review all details for accuracy
Note: Each Plant Batch can be edited individually if necessary by clicking into the Plant Batch. - Select Submit
Bulk Create Plant Batches from Multiple Mothers
For non-CA Facilities
- From the left navigation bar navigate to Plants > Plants & select View: Mother Plants (Tracked)
- Check the boxes next to the Mother Plants to be used as the source
Select Actions > Create Batch From Mother
- On this page, as you scroll down, you will see a section for each new batch per Mother Plant that you selected in the previous step
Scroll down the page completing all required fields, confirming everything is accurate for each new batch you're creating:
Starting Plant Batch Tag:
- This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- If it does not auto-populate, you will have the option to type in an alphabetic or alphanumeric Plant Batch tag name here
- Planted Date
- Location: Location of the Plant Batch
- # Plant Batches & # Plantings Per Batch: How many batches you're creating from this Mother Plant and how many plantings there are per batch.
- Batch Type: Select whether the Plants began from Clone or Seed
- Strain: Select the Strain of the Plants
- Lot ID: Optional - enter an internal Lot ID to track these Plants all the way from Plant Batch to individual Plants to Harvest to Package
- Mark new batches as mother batches? : Optional - you may check this box if you intend to use these batches as a Mother Source in future.
Starting Plant Batch Tag:
Once completed, carefully review all details for accuracy, scroll to the top and select Submit
For CA Facilities:
- From the left navigation bar navigate to Plants > Plant Batches & select View: Active Mother Plant Batches
- Check the boxes next to the Mother Plant Batches to be used as the source
Select Actions > + Create Batch > From Mother
- On this page, as you scroll down, you will see a section for each new batch per Mother Plant Batch that you selected in the previous step
Scroll down the page completing all required fields, confirming everything is accurate for each new batch you're creating:
Starting Plant Batch Tag:
- This tag will be assigned to the new Plant Batch to identify it
- If it does not auto-populate, you will have the option to type in an alphabetic or alphanumeric Plant Batch tag name here
- Planted Date
- Location: Location of the Plant Batch
- # Plant Batches & # Plantings Per Batch: How many batches you're creating from this Mother Plant and how many plantings there are per batch.
- Batch Type: Select whether the Plants began from Clone or Seed
- Strain: Select the Strain of the Plants
- Lot ID: Optional - enter an internal Lot ID to track these Plants all the way from Plant Batch to individual Plants to Harvest to Package
- Mark new batches as mother batches? : Optional - you may check this box if you intend to use these batches as a Mother Source in future.
Intermediary Package Tag
- This field will auto-populate with the next available tag
Item : Select an item for your Intermediary Package
Starting Plant Batch Tag:
- Once completed, carefully review all details for accuracy, scroll to the top and select Submit
For OK Facilities
As of October 7th 2024, all Plant Batches in Oklahoma must be associated to a package tag. Follow this process to first Package your cuttings, and then turn them into an Immature Plant Batch.
1. Navigate to the Plants table in Canix, and choose your mother plant from either the Vegetative (Tracked), Flowering (Tracked) or Mother Plants (Tracked) views.
2. Select "Create Unrooted Plants Package". This action will create Packages with the # of Immature Plants specified:
3. Once your Packages are created navigate to the Packages table and use the "Unpack into Plantings" action and specify the Plant Batch Name, Planted Date, Location, and Number of Plantings to take from the Package:
4. If you've fully depleted the selected packages, don't forget to use the "Finish Packages" action to remove these empty tags from your inventory.
View Plant Batches
You may use the various filters provided on the table to filter for specific plant batches. For example: you can search and filter a specific plant batch Tag, or filter various plant batches by Planted Date, Location, or Strain.
Edit or Delete Plant Batches
The steps will vary depending on your facility type and which action you wish to take on the Plant Batch.
Metrc Facilities
- To edit the Strain of your Plant Batch, log into to Metrc > navigate to Plants > Immature > Change Strain > complete the fields and submit then Refresh Metrc Data in Canix
- To change the location of your Plant Batch, navigate to Plant Batches: Active > select the Plant Batch > Actions > Change Location > enter new Location & Date > Submit
- To destroy Plants from your Plant Batch, see Destroy Plants
- To delete your Plant Batch entirely, please contact Metrc Support at with screenshots and specific context on what to delete
Non-Metrc Facilities
- To edit the details of your Plant Batch (excluding Strain), navigate to Plant Batches: Active > select the Plant Batch > Actions > Edit Batch > change the details to be updated > Save Plant Batch
- To change the location of your Plant Batch, navigate to Plant Batches: Active > select the Plant Batch > Actions > Change Location > enter new Location & Date > Submit
- To destroy Plants from your Plant Batch, see Destroy Plants
- To delete your Plant Batch entirely or to edit the Strain, please contact Canix Support at with screenshots and specific context on what to needs to be done
Track Submissions
Track Create Plant Batch from Mother from your Submissions page:
Metrc Facilities
- Navigate to Admin > Metrc Submissions > All to review or check the status of your submissions to Metrc. If the submission status is Failed, click on the submission name to see the Metrc error message.
Non-Metrc Facilities
- Navigate to Admin > User Submissions > All