Unsubmitted Harvests are Harvests and Manicures that are still in progress and have not been submitted to Metrc. This feature allows you to continue to edit or delete a Harvest before making the final submissions to Mertc. Once a harvest or manicure has been submitted to Metrc you cannot make updates to that Harvest or Manicure without contacting Metrc.
Accessing Unsubmitted Harvests
- Harvests > Overview > Unsubmitted
- Here you will find a list of all Unsubmitted Harvests and Manicures.
- To add a Harvest to the list of Unsubmitted Harvests in Canix you will select the "Save Draft" option when creating a harvest in the Canix Web Application.
Submitting an Unsubmitted Harvest
Once all changes are made you can now Submit the Harvest from this section of Canix as well:
- Harvests > Overview > Unsubmitted
- Select the Harvest, then "Submit Harvest"
- You will then receive a confirmation window will appear, "Are you sure you want to submit harvest "Harvest Name - Harvest Date"?
- If yes, select Submit.
Deleting an Unsubmitted Harvest
If you find that you no longer need an Unsubmitted Harvest and would like to delete it from the list of Unsubmitted Harvests you can do so here as well.
- Harvests > Overview > Unsubmitted
- From here you can select one or more Unsubmitted Harvests > Actions > Destroy.
You will then receive a confirmation window "Are you sure you want to destroy these harvests?" If yes, select Destroy.
- This will permanently delete the Unsubmitted Harvest(s).
You can also Download a report of all the plants and plant details associated with each Unsubmitted Harvest.
To do this:
- Select the Unsubmitted Harvest that you would like to download the details for.
- Select Actions > Download + this will download a CSV with a full list of the plants from that Harvest including Tag numbers, Strain, Wet Weight, Unit, & Flowering Room.