Often times users need to change the Item initially associated with a package. Canix has added the option to bulk change the item associated with a package and share this change with Metrc.
Metrc Customers: If operating in a Metrc facility you cannot change a Package's Item if it was created over 24 hours ago, or is already on a sales/purchase order or transfer.
From the Web Application:
- Navigate to Inventory > Packages > View: Active
- Select one or more packages, then select Actions > Change Item
Note: Packages must be Active and not allocated to a Sales Order or Purchase Order. - A modal will appear where users can begin typing to search for a new Item Name, Item Type, or Strain. New Items can be applied to all packages selected by using the Item field at the top and selecting Apply to All. Or individually search and apply items to each package.
- Once all packages have new items assigned select, Submit
These changes will reflect in the Activity History for each package for tracking purposes.