Canix helps to avoid errors by automatically reserving Package tags when you are working on creating new Packages. This feature avoids issue with other users accidentally using these tags before your work is completed. When a Package tag is reserved, it enters the Unsubmitted status. These can be cleared out as needed to restore availability of these tags for use with Package creation.
In this article, we'll cover:
For more information on Package Statuses, please see Package Availability Status.
Reasons for Unsubmitted Packages
Unsubmitted Packages are in a draft state and have not yet been created as valid or usable Packages, but the tags are simply reserved for use. Please see the following examples of why you may have Unsubmitted Packages and the steps to resolve:
- Package Tags on a Pending Approval Submission
- Resolve by having an Admin approve the Pending Approval Submission to create them
- Package Tags on a Failed Submission
- Resolve by navigating to Admin > User Submissions or Metrc Submissions page > find the Failed Submission and select it to view the error message for context on why it failed
- This error message will provide the clear reason why it was not successful so that you can either retry it if there was no real error, or start over to create a new submission without the same error - if the latter, follow the steps in the section below to first restore the Unsubmitted Package Tags to Available before trying again
- Package Tags on abandoned or incomplete workflows
- If you or someone on your team was working on creating new Packages but did not complete the workflow entirely, abandoned it without cancelling, or is still in progress
- Resolve by following the steps in the section below to restore the Unsubmitted Package Tags to Available before trying again
Restore Unsubmitted Package Tags to Available
If you are trying to create new Packages and some or all of the new tags to be used are in Unsubmitted status, you will receive the Canix error message "Tag ... is already in use" such as:
Tag 1A4FF0300000123400000001 is already in use
This issue is quick and easy to resolve directly in Canix by following the steps below:
In the Web Application:
- Navigate to Inventory > Packages > View: Unsubmitted
- Select the Package tags you wish to restore to Available for use
- We suggest using filters to narrow your search if needed
- You can reference the Packaged Date column to see when the workflow was started or submitted to try creating this package
- Select the Package tags individually, or in bulk by selecting the first consecutive package tag and then holding shift when selecting the last consecutive tag
- Optionally, restore all Unsubmitted Package tags by not selecting any tags which will default to including all tags
- Select Actions > Delete Packages
- In the new confirmation window, confirm you would like these un-reserved by selecting Delete
Your previously Unsubmitted Package Tags are once again available for use, and you can return to creating new Packages with them.
For more information on Package Statuses, please see Package Availability Status.