This feature allows you to manage your active customer base and browse official facility records for your state, and promote them to active customers. This outlines the steps to Create Customers and Promote new customers in Canix from the Web Application.
Note: You can generate a .csv of your current customers (top right).
- Bulk Upload Customers
- How to Create Customers
- How to Edit Customers
- How to Promote Customers
- How to Search for Customers to Promote
Bulk Upload Customers
Adding customers to Canix is a breeze however, we know that many of our customers have amassed a solid book of business over the years. In order to reduce the burden of manually uploading your customers one by one you can download a template and bulk upload your customer list to your account.
- Download the Canix Bulk Customer Import Template (attached at the bottom of this article)
- Fill in the relevant fields
- Once complete, navigate to:
Note: You must be an Admin in Canix to have access to the Customer Uploader. - Select, Load Customer CSV
- Select the updated file
- Select the correct column for any missing fields, which may happen if you change the header names.
- Review and fix any error messages. Customers will only be created if no errors occurred in any records.
- Select Upload
Create Customers
From the Web Application:
- Navigate to Sales > Customers > Current. This will allow you to view, update or deactivate all Current Customers.
- Select + Create Customer
- Create a New Customer by searching for the facility at the top or entering all required fields:
- Company Name
- Contact Name
- Phone Number
- Select Create.
To view Active Customers navigate to Sales > Customers > Current
Adding a Customer with a newly-awarded License
If the New Customer you are trying to add has just recently received their new License Number, they may not show up in the search bar. In that case, follow the same steps to create a New Customer and then manually enter in all the details you have, including their License Number.
Edit Customers
From the Web Application:
- Navigate to Sales > Customers > Current
- Edit Current Customers by selecting the Customer Name, clicking the edit pencil, making any needed updates, then clicking Update.

Promote Customers
This feature allows you to browse official facility records for your state, and promote them to active customers.
From the Web Application:
- Navigate to Sales > Customers > Prospective.
There are several ways to search for a prospective customer:
Narrow it down by Facility Type - This can be done by selecting the dropdown menu in the upper right.
Search by typing into the search box at the top of each column. You can search by:
Company Name
License Number
Contact Name
License Expiration Date
Once you have found a Prospective Customer that you would like to add as a customer, select the Company Name and then select Promote.
- To Create the Customer, ensure all information is correct and select Create.
- License Expiration dates may need to be updated manually, as they are liable to change and are often unavailable from the data sources we pull from.
- To view Active Customers Navigate to, Sales > Customers > Current