User Permission Groups allows you to quickly and easily set up unique permission groups with granular permissions to pages and actions. These permissions groups will allow you to limit visibility and available actions across teams. For example, Cultivation teams may require different permissions than Packaging teams. Manage permissions by Canix section, or more granularly by action using the expand and collapse row functionality.
When setting up Permissions Groups, you have 3 options for the level of access that group will have:
- Edit access to keep existing full access to pages and actions
- View access to view reporting and inventory details without the ability to make changes
- No access to remove actions or pages from a user’s access altogether
See this video for an overview:
In this article, we'll cover the Canix sections below and their permissions options:
On the Canix Web Application, navigate to Admin > User Permission Groups to create, edit, or view permission groups.
- Select Create New Group to set up a new permission group
- Select an existing permission group to edit or view in more detail
- Select the down arrow on the far right side to expand more granular options for each section
Action Permissions
The Plants permissions provide access to plant batch and plant management in Canix. To give access to submit any plant or plant batch action, select Edit access for the Plants row, or expand the Plants section to manage edit access to specific actions. Select View access for the Plants row to allow users access to plant inventory details without providing access to submit any actions or changes to plant inventory. No access for the Plants section will remove Plants from the navigation menu and will not be accessible by the user.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Create Batch |
Users have access to submit the following actions: - Create batch from mother plants - Create batch from clone or seed - Unpack packages of clones to plantings Users will need view or edit access to Packages to access packages of clones when unpacking to plantings. |
Users can view the Plant and Plant Batch table, but cannot take actions on plant or plant batches. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Package Clones (Rooted and Unrooted) |
Users have access to submit the following actions: - Bulk Package Plantings - Package Unrooted Cuttings | ||
Split Plant Batch | Users have access to submit the action Split Plant Batch | ||
Maintain Plants | Users have access to submit the following actions: - Update Growth Phase - Update Custom Growth Phase - Change Plant and Plant Batch Locations - Create Plant and Plant Batch Waste - Change Growth Phase | ||
Non-Compliance Actions | Users have access to submit the following actions: - Toggle as Mother - Assign Lot ID - Assign Non-Cannabis Inventory - Print Labels - Edit plant and plant batch notes | ||
Destroy Plant Batches and Plants | Users have access to Destroy Plants and Destroy Immature Plantings. | ||
Harvest and Manicure Plants | Users have access to create harvests, create manicures, and import Wayfast harvest files. |
The Harvests permissions provide access to harvest creation and management in Canix. To give access to create harvests or manicures, create waste, and finish harvests, select Edit access for the Harvests row, or expand the Harvests section to manage edit access to specific actions. Select View access for the Harvests row to allow users access to harvest inventory details without providing access to submit any actions or changes to harvest inventory. No access for the Harvests section will remove Harvests from the navigation menu and will not be accessible by the user.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Create Harvest Package | Create one or more packages from a harvest. | Users can view Active, Inactive and Unsubmitted Harvests but cannot create harvests or harvest waste. |
Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Create Harvest Waste | Create waste submissions for active harvests. | ||
Finish Harvest | Finish active harvests and move them to “inactive”. | ||
Location Log Health | View and create health logs for grow rooms. |
The Inventory permissions provide access to non-cannabis and cannabis packaged inventory management in Canix. To give access to submit any package action and manage non-cannabis inventory, select Edit access for the Inventory row, or expand the Inventory section to manage edit access to specific sections or actions. Select View access for the Inventory row to allow users access to non-cannabis and packaged inventory details without providing access to submit any actions or changes to the inventory. No access for the Inventory section will remove Inventory from the navigation menu and will not be accessible by the user.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Availability |
View Inventory Availability and create Sales Orders directly from selected Items or Packages. Users need permissions to Create Sales Orders in order to begin a sales order from Inventory Availability reporting. |
Users can view the Inventory Availability report. |
Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Assignment | Create and edit inventory assignments for sales reps. | Users can view the Assignment table if enabled for your account. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Packages | |||
Create packages throughout Canix, including from harvests, packages and incoming transfers. | Users can view the package table and package details, but do not have access to take any action or make changes. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Users have access to split packages into 1 or more new packages, and combine multiple packages into 1 or more new packages. Users will need edit access to this permission to split packages in sales order and create output packages in manufacturing. |
Users can access the action to Toggle Availability for Sale, affecting the available quantity in inventory availability. | ||
Move packages to different locations from the packages table or package details page. | ||
Adjust packages from the packages table or package details page. Users need access to this permission to create waste in manufacturing batches. |
Users have access to the actions to finish packages and re-activate packages from the packages table. | ||
Edit package details including Lot ID, package owner, assign Non-Cannabis Inventory, brand, R&D and lab test results, test URLs, COAs and notes. | ||
Non-Cannabis Inventory | |||
Create and manage non-cannabis inventory, including product categories, edit product details, add lots and log non-cannabis usage. | Users can view NCI tables but do not have access to take any action or make changes. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Create product categories for Non-cannabis Inventory, edit product details, add lots and remove NCI Usage. | ||
Create, edit, duplicate and delete Bill of Materials (BOMs). Including setting associated output items and adding products. | ||
Incoming Transfers |
Submit and delete incoming transfers, as well as create packages directly from the incoming transfer page. Users need access to the Create Packages permission to add packages to an incoming transfer. |
Storefront Settings |
Configure Canix Storefront, including setting the shop URL and password. | ||
Storefront Listing Management | Create, edit and delete storefront listings, including setting descriptions, display names and images. |
The Sales permissions provide access to Sales Order, Purchase Order and Outgoing Transfer management in Canix. To give access to submit any sales, purchasing or transfer action, select Edit access for the Sales row, or expand the Sales section to manage edit access to specific areas and actions. Select View access for the Sales row to allow users access to sales, purchase and transfer activity without providing access to submit any actions or changes to the orders. No access for the Sales section will remove Sales from the navigation menu and will not be accessible by the user.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Sales Orders | |||
Users can create sales orders, and edit sales orders with the Created status when the user is listed as the sales rep. To edit sales orders of any status, users need Edit access to the following sales order status permissions below. |
User has access to Sales Order Table and to view individual Sales Orders they have created but have no access to edit. View access is required to current customers to be able to create or view sales orders |
Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Users can edit any sales order with the Created status. To edit sales orders of other statuses, enable Edit permissions to the permissions below. |
User has access to view all Sales Orders in table and to view individual Sales Orders but no access to edit. View access is required to current customers to be able to create or view sales orders |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Approved based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status approved. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Filled based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status filled. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Shipped based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status shipped. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Accepted based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status accepted. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Returned based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status returned. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Partially Returned based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status partially returned. | |
Users can edit sales orders with the status Archived based on the permissions give to access their own sales orders, or all sales orders above. | User has access to view all Sales Orders with the status archived. | |
Purchase Orders | Create and edit Purchase Orders in Canix, including receiving inventory, recording payments, and generating purchase order documents. | User has access to view Purchase Orders table and to view individual Purchase Orders but does not have access to edit or make changes. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Create Outgoing Transfers | Create and manage outgoing transfers from Sales Orders or from the Outgoing Transfers table. This includes managing Vehicles and Drivers. Users need access to edit sales orders to create transfers from a sales order. | User has access to View the Outgoing Transfers Table and individual Transfer details but does not have access to edit or make changes. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
LeafLink Orders |
View the LeafLink orders table, and create sales orders from a LeafLink order in Canix. Users also need edit access to Sales Orders (Own) to create a sales order from a LeafLink order. |
User has access to view the LeafLink Table, and can view Sales Order details if they have access to Edit or View Sales Orders. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Sales Price List | Users can create and manage sales price lists in Facility Data, and from a sales order or customer if given access to these areas. Users need access to view sales price lists in order to add a list to a customer or sales order. | User has access to view Sales Price Table but does not have access to edit or take any actions. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Customers | |||
Users may only view and edit customers when they are listed as the sales representative on the customer. Only the assigned customers will be available to select in sales orders. | User only has access to view customers that have been assigned to them. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Create and edit all customers, regardless of the sales representative assigned. All users will be available to the user to select when creating a sales order. | User has access to view Current Customers Table and view individual Customer details but does not have access to edit or take any actions. | |
Users can access the prospective customers page and promote customers to be a current customer. | User has access to view the Prospective Customer Table but does not have access to edit or promote customers. |
The Manufacturing permissions provide access to manufacturing batch management in Canix. To give access to create and manage batches, select Edit access for the Manufacturing row, or expand the Manufacturing section to manage edit access to specific areas and actions. Select View access for the Manufacturing row to allow users access to viewing batches and their results without providing access to submit any actions or changes to the batch. No access for the Manufacturing section will remove Manufacturing from the navigation menu and will not be accessible by the user.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Batch Templates | Create and manage manufacturing batch templates. Users need view access to manufacturing templates in order to select a template when creating a new manufacturing batch. | User has access to view Batch Templates Table and individual Batch templates but is not able to edit or take any actions. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Batches | Create and manage manufacturing batches. Users need access to Batch Templates to create a new batch from a template, and need access to Runs to manage the batch once created. | User has access to View Batches table and individual batches but does not have access to edit or complete any actions. | |
Runs | Users can create and manage manufacturing runs, but need edit access to Batches to access a run. | User has access to view Active and archived runs but does not have access to edit or completing any actions. |
Task Management
The Task Management permissions provide access to create and manage all tasks, templates and workflows. Select Edit access for the Task Management row to enable full permissions to this feature, or expand the section to manage edit permissions for more granular task activity. Assign View access to allow users view access to task activity assigned to them, or other users. Select No Access to remove Task Management from a user’s navigation menu, and remove access to the feature.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Tasks | |||
Users can view and manage tasks assigned to them, but cannot create new tasks. | User can only view tasks that have been assigned to them in both the table and calendar view. - User has access to complete tasks and fill in the fields when viewing a task assigned to them. |
If No access is selected for both permissions, this section will be removed from the Canix navigation.
If the user has view or edit permission for their own tasks, but All Tasks has No Access. The user can view/edit tasks that have only been assigned to them. |
Users can create and manage all tasks, regardless of the assigned user. | User can view all tasks in both the the calendar and table view. - User can select a task and select complete. User has access to complete fields when viewing a task. | |
Templates | Create and edit new task templates to standardize creating new tasks, or to populate task workflows. Users need access to Tasks (All) to create and assign tasks from a saved template. | User can access Templates and Workflows table but does not have access to complete any actions. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Workflows | Create and edit task workflows, as well as schedule a workflow. Users need access to view templates in order to select a template to add to a workflow. |
The Reporting permissions provide access to Canix’s reporting section. Select Edit or View access to view all reports in this section, or expand the Reporting row to apply permissions per reporting type. Select No Access to remove Reporting, or specific reports, from a user’s access and remove from the navigation menu.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Sales Reporting | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Accounting | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Harvests | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Strain Summaries | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Inventory | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Manufacturing | |||
User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | User can view all reporting in the selected sections. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Forecasting & Planning
The Forecasting and Planning permissions provide access to forecast settings, and forecast reporting. Select Edit access to the entire permissions section to enable access for creating and editing Location and Cultivation forecast settings. Select View access to allow users to view forecast reporting and settings, but restricts access to managing the settings. Select No Access to remove the Forecasting and Planning section from the Canix navigation menu, and remove the user’s access to this feature.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Forecasting Settings | Create and manage forecast settings for Cultivation and Location forecasts. | User can access Forecasting Report and Settings but all actions are disabled. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Forecast Report |
View Cultivation and Location forecast reports, and edit location forecast dates from the report. |
Tags & Labels
The Tags & Labels permissions provide access to create labels and label templates for plant batch, plant and package inventory. Select Edit access for the Tags & Labels row to provide full access to creating labels, creating templates, and managing templates, or expand the section to manage each action’s access. Select View access to view labels or templates, but not allow the creation of labels.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Labels |
Create labels throughout Canix, including from the Plant Batches, Plants and Packages tables if users have view access to those sections. View access to Label Templates is required to create labels from a saved template. |
User can access the Create Labels section, but is unable to print labels. |
Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu and "print labels" buttons throughout product have been disabled. |
Templates | Create labels throughout Canix, including from the Plant Batches, Plants and Packages tables as well as directly from Tags & Labels. | Templates are active to be selected for labels. However, users are not able to create new, edit or delete existing templates. | Template field is disabled. |
The Admin permissions provide access to many important settings for a facility, including billing details, facility management, integrations, user management, and facility data. Select Edit access to give full access to managing the subscription, facility, submissions and users, or expand the Admin section to select which areas a user should have edit access for. Select View to give visibility to facility settings, integration settings, submissions, users and facility data, but without the access to make changes. Select No Access to remove the Admin section from the navigation menu, or expand the section to remove specific pages from a user’s access.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Billing Details | Access to manage billing details to update subscription credit card information. Note: Failed Payment Alerts: Canix will send an email alert to users with edit access that a payment has failed and further action needs to be taken to prevent a lapse in access to Canix. |
User can view Billing Details but is unable to edit or make changes. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Facility Management | Users can edit facility settings including facility name, tag prefixes and certain Canix configuration settings. | User can view Facility Management Table and facility details but is unable to make edits. | |
User Management | Create new users, assign permissions groups and edit user details such as contact information and hourly rate. | User can view the User Management Table but is unable to view individual users or make edits. | |
View and manage a user’s hourly rate from User Management to be used in labor COGS calculations. | View hourly rates on users in User Management but do not have the ability to edit the rate. Manage additional visibility and access in the Labor COGS section below. | The hourly rate field will not be available to users in User Management. Manage additional visibility and access in the Labor COGS section below. |
User Permissions | Create and edit permissions groups, which control user access across Canix. In combination with User Management edit access, users can also apply these permission groups to specific users. | User can view User Permissions Table and individual permissions but is unable to edit or complete actions. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
Facility Data | |||
Create and delete Items, Sub-Types and Brands in Canix. Edit all details on Items, Sub-Types and Brands such as strains, weights, units and descriptions. | User has access to view Items tables but but does not have access to view individual item details, edit or create new items. | Section is removed from the Canix Navigation menu. |
User can create locations, delete locations and set parent locations as well as “move” child locations to new parent locations. | User has access to view Location table but does not have access to view individual Location details, edit or create new locations. | |
Create strains and edit strain information including setting cross-strains, approximate THC/CBD levels and Sativa vs Indica percentages. | User has access to view Strains table but does not have access to view individual strain details, edit or create new strains. | |
Create vendors and edit vendor information such as license number, contact information, address and minimum lead times. | User has access to view Items tables but is not able to view individual item details, edit or create new items. | |
Set custom growth phases as well as their associated compliance phases (when applicable). | User has access to view Custom Growth Phases tables but is not able to view individual details, edit or create new Custom Growth Phases. | |
Submissions | View all pending and archived Metrc submissions as well as the associated details such as package #, quantity and error reasons. |
User can view Submission tables. If user has "Requires Approval" enabled they will only have access to Pending Approval Table for their submissions. |
API | Generate and remove user's own API keys
Edit | View | No Access | |
Metrc | Test and update API keys for Metrc by facility. | User can access the integrations page but all options to edit have been disabled. | Section is removed from the Integrations page. |
Quickbooks | Ability to setup and edit QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online connections including, view/edit access to tokens. | ||
Confident Cannabis | Setup and edit integration with Confident Cannabis, including view/edit access to API keys. | ||
Sage Intacct | Setup and edit the Sage Intacct integration, including view/edit access to Sage Intacct web services credentials. | ||
Onfleet | Setup and edit the Onfleet integration, including view/edit access to API keys. | ||
LeafLink | Setup and edit the LeafLink integration, including view/edit access to API keys. | ||
Leaf Trade | Enable and disable the Leaf Trade Report integration. | ||
Biotrack | Setup and edit the BioTrack integration, including view/edit access to API keys. |
Labor Costs
The Labor Costs permissions provide access to managing and viewing labor hours and hourly costs associated with users. Select Edit to provide full access to managing user’s hourly rates, and viewing labor COGS throughout Canix, or expand this section to manage cost permissions separately from hourly reporting. Select View to allow visibility into labor COGS without the ability to change hourly rates for users. Select No Access to remove all labor hours and costs from a user’s view.
Edit | View | No Access | |
Labor Costs and Labor Hours | Users can view labor hours and labor COGS assigned to inventory and manufacturing. | All labor hours and costs are removed from user’s view. | |
Labor Hours Only | Users can view labor hours assigned to inventory and manufacturing but not the hourly wage or total labor COGS. |
Approval Permissions
Canix Approval Permissions assign granular approval permissions to pages and actions to allow specific submissions to require approval or allow users to approve specific actions. You can manage approval permissions by section, or more granularly per action using the expand and collapse row functionality.
For every section, users can select “Can Approve” to enable access to approve or deny Pending Submissions per section or per action. Users can also manage who “Requires Approval” for every action or section, as long as the submitting users also have edit access under Action Permissions to submit those actions. Below is further detail on the current permissions available by section.
Note: Approval Permissions is replacing the existing functionality of Admin and Requires Review upon Submission effective August 25, 2022. Be sure to update these permissions prior to this date to ensure your team have the same access. Learn more about these changes here.
- Navigate to Admin > User Permission Groups
- Select the group that you would like to edit Approval Permissions for
Select Approval Permissions
Plant Batches
The Plant Batches approval permissions provide access to approving plant batch submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the Plant Batches row, or expand the Plant Batches section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Plant Batches | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Split Plant Batch |
Users can approve submissions of these actions
Users need approval when submitting these actions
Update Plant Batch Location | ||
Create Plant Batches | ||
Create Packages from Plant Batches | ||
Update Plant Batches Growth Phase | ||
Assign Lot ID | ||
Create Waste from Immature Plants | ||
Create Waste from Immature Plants and Destroy |
The Plant approval permissions provide access to approving plant submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the Plant row, or expand the Plant section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Plants | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Update Plant Locations |
Users can approve submissions of these actions
Users need approval when submitting these actions
Destroy Plants | ||
Package Flowering Plants | ||
Update Plant Growth Phase | ||
Create Waste from Plants | ||
Assign Lot ID | ||
Revert to Vegetative |
The Harvests approval permissions provide access to approving harvests submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the harvests row, or expand the harvests section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Harvests | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Create Harvest Packages |
Users can approve submissions of these Harvest actions |
Users need approval when submitting these Harvest actions |
Create Harvest | ||
Create Harvest Waste | ||
Finish Harvests | ||
Remove Harvest Waste | ||
Split Harvest into Packages | ||
Update and Submit Harvest | ||
Create Manicure | ||
Assign Lot ID | ||
Reactivate Harvest |
The Packages approval permissions provide access to approving packages submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the packages row, or expand the packages section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Packages | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Adjust Packages |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
Create Packages | ||
Finish Packages | ||
Reactivate Packages | ||
Repackage | ||
Create Compound Packages | ||
Update Package Locations | ||
Remediate Packages | ||
Change Package Item |
The Transfers approval permissions provide access to approving transfers submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the transfers row, or expand the transfers section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Transfers | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Submit Incoming Transfer |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
Create Transfer Templates | ||
Delete Transfer Templates |
The Manufacturing approval permissions provide access to approving manufacturing submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the manufacturing row.
Manufacturing | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Submit Manufacturing Run |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
The Items approval permissions provide access to approving items submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the items row, or expand the items section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Items | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Create Items |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
Update Items | ||
Delete Items |
The Locations approval permissions provide access to approving locations submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the locations row, or expand the locations section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Locations | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Create Locations |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
Update Locations | ||
Delete Locations |
The Strains approval permissions provide access to approving strains submissions in Canix. To mark whether a group can approve or requires approval, select Can Approve or Requires Approval for the strains row, or expand the strains section to manage approving or to need approval for specific actions.
Strains | Can Approve | Requires Approval |
Create Strains |
Users can approve submissions of these actions |
Users need approval when submitting these actions |
Update Strains | ||
Delete Strains |