Canix offers a number of user specific preferences to help customize the way some features work for you in Canix. This article covers:
User Profile Settings
- Navigate to the User Profile icon in the top right corner & select Edit Profile
- Your user login email, user name and phone number can be edited on the left side
- Fill out or manage the following settings on the right side
Plant Batch Suffix
- Numeric or Alphabetical suffix to automatically add to the end of plant batch names when creating in bulk (e.g. "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 1" or "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 A")
Tip: enter a hyphen at the end of your batch name in bulk plant creation flows to format batch names like "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 - 1" instead of "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 1")
- Numeric or Alphabetical suffix to automatically add to the end of plant batch names when creating in bulk (e.g. "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 1" or "Blue Dream - 04.30.23 A")
Cultivation Access
Canix will automatically hide the cultivation sections from the navigation menu when viewing your Manufacturing or Distribution facilities.- Enable this option to make the cultivation sections visible, no matter which license you're on - best if wanting to look at plant or harvest details while working in your other facilities.
Save Transfer Prices from Sales Orders
- When enabled, Canix will automatically copy the package sales price in Sales Orders over to the Outgoing Transfer package price when creating transfers directly from Sales Orders
Auto Save Sales Orders
- Automatically save sales orders whenever a change is made, rather than manually saving changes made
Careful enabling this in case changes are made to a sales order unintentionally - changes cannot be undone after saving.
- Automatically save sales orders whenever a change is made, rather than manually saving changes made
Email CSV when complete
Standalone facilities only - When enabled, downloading the packages table will send an email with the CSV when complete, rather than download in your browse.
More downloads for package data can be found in the Reporting section to schedule emailed exports.
Standalone facilities only - When enabled, downloading the packages table will send an email with the CSV when complete, rather than download in your browse.
- Standalone facilities only - When checked, downloading the packages table will create a ZIP file - best for facilities with 10s of thousands of packages.
More downloads for package data can be found in the Reporting section to schedule emailed exports.
- Standalone facilities only - When checked, downloading the packages table will create a ZIP file - best for facilities with 10s of thousands of packages.
Number of Decimals
- Configure how many decimals to display across the product, and to allow when entering quantities in certain workflows.
Note - this can cause inconsistencies in reporting across users in your facility if some are viewing inventory with 4 decimals, and some with 2 decimals.
- Configure how many decimals to display across the product, and to allow when entering quantities in certain workflows.
Plant Batch Suffix
- Once you have enabled your desired settings select Save to have the changes reflect in your account (you may need to refresh your page if you do not see the settings take effect)
Customize Saved Views
Some tables or individual columns may have different options, but the majority allow you to:
- Reorder columns by clicking and dragging the column header
- Pin or freeze a column to the left or right hand side so it stays visible while scrolling
- Toggle columns on or off in the view using the columns bar to the right of the table
- Sort by clicking the column header or filter using the icon in the column header
- Change the width of columns, drag either side, or click the settings icon to auto size one or all of your columns
Once in the desired view, you must save the view. If you do not save the view, all settings were temporary and will not be retained when you come back to the report.
- From the table, select the Save dropdown
Save View - this option is available when saving changes to a default view, or updating the custom view you’re viewing
Save View As - this option saves a new view, and not update the current custom view you're viewing
- Name - this is the report view name that will be selected from the View dropdown. It's best to keep this short, and use the description for more information
- Description - This will display under the page title when viewing the report view, and is optional
- Default facility filter to current active facility - select this option when the view should auto-update the facility filter to the currently selected facility. This is best if viewing the saved view across multiple facilities to not have to re-select the correct facilities in the filter each time.
- Make this your default view - select this option to have this view populate when coming to the selected page, rather than Canix's default views
- Save view for User - When selected, this view is only available for your user to select from the list of views
- Save view for Company - When selected, this view is saved for all users in the company to select from the list of views. Warning - users can edit this report if they have access to view it. To create views that the user cannot edit, use custom reporting.
For more information on creating, managing and deleting saved views - see here.
Favorite Pages
Any standard view can be favorited by clicking the star next to the view name. Favorited pages appear at the top of your navigation menu for quicker access.
If looking to set a custom view as the favorited page, set the custom view as your default view.
In the example below, only Packages is visible in the favorite section in the navigation menu, despite a custom view saved as Emily's View. Setting this saved view as the default view for the user will display this view automatically when Packages is selected.