Canix submits your data to Metrc in real-time to add efficiency and scale to your workflow. As a third-party integrator, we sometimes come across errors with your Metrc submissions — these can be caused by the user or by Metrc.
- If the error is caused by Metrc, we'll continue to retry your submissions until we confirm there's an actual fault — for more info, check out Data Sync Between Metrc and Canix.
- If the error is caused by a user error in the data being submitted, Metrc will provide the specific reason your submission has failed so that you can resolve it and try again.
To check on the success of your submissions or learn what went wrong:
- In Canix, navigate to Admin > Metrc Submissions > All
- Select on the failed Submission's name to expand a side detail panel
- The Failure Message in red shows the exact reason Metrc provided for why it failed
- Now you know the error, you can go back and redo your change, making that adjustment
Common Error Messages from Metrc and How to Troubleshoot Them
Failure Message
Couldn't Submit Harvest.
Tag "1A4060200013436000000015" does not exist in the current facility.
- This means the tag does not exist in Metrc, it is likely that it was voided (by a Metrc user).
- You will need to remove this tag from your Unsubmitted Harvest in order to submit.
Failure Message
Couldn't Submit Harvest.
Tag "1A4060200013436000000015" has already been harvested.
- This Plant tag has already been Harvested (can be found in Plants > Plants > View: Flowering (Harvested)).
- You will need to remove this tag from your Unsubmitted Harvest in order to submit.
Failure Message
Error from METRC (5753097): Plant 1A4FF0200000022000009093 cannot be Harvested
because it is currently Destroyed.
- This Plant tag has been destroyed (can be found in Plants > Plants > View: Flowering (Destroyed)).
- You will need to remove this tag from your Unsubmitted Harvest in order to submit again.
Failure Message
Error from METRC: A Harvest with name "RuntzRM1050623" already exists
and cannot be used again.
- This error occurs if you have previously submitted a harvest to Metrc using the same name. When resubmitting a Harvest to Metrc please be sure to create a new harvest in Canix using a slightly different name than previously used.
- Click here for steps on creating a harvest in Canix.
Failure Message
Harvest Waste weight (400 g) can't be greater than the remaining
weight (0 g) in OG Kush 5/10/21.
- This means that you are trying to add more Harvest Waste weight than what remains in the Harvest's "Current Weight". Check your Harvest to confirm your numbers.
- If you believe this message is shown in error because your Harvest was just created and the Current Weight is greater than the number shown, it may be due to a delayed communication from Metrc. You should reload the page, Refresh Metrc Data, and then retry the submission.
Failure Message
Tag 1ABCDEF00001ABC000000001 has already been used.
- This means that the tag has already been used and is unavailable. You can check and confirm this directly in your Metrc account by navigating to Admin > Tags > Used.
- If you believe this message is shown in error because the tag is listed as Available in Metrc, it could be that there is an Unsubmitted package with this tag (see Packages table > Unsubmitted view). This can happen if a submission using this tag failed, which saves the package in some submissions as an unsubmitted package. It could also already be a pending/running/retrying Metrc Submission that uses the same tag number and has effectively "reserved" it for the time being, which should also be found in unsubmitted tags.
TO RESOLVE: Navigate to Packages > Unsubmitted view > select the checkbox next to the unsubmitted package(s) > Actions > Delete
The failed submission should be able to be retried at this point. Navigate to the Submissions table again > select the submission name > select Actions > Retry on the submission side panel.
Failure Message
Please specify plant waste mixed material.
- For any messages like this, you must repeat the action and specify additional information to successfully submit.
Failure Message
Connection reset by peer
- This means that Metrc is experiencing delays and may have disconnected while working.
- If Metrc is not receiving information, this will just require waiting a while to see if the situation improves. You can also try manually retrying the submission again.