Canix’s Manufacturing module tracks sources, outputs, non-cannabis inventory, labor and COGS per batch, and each step in the batch process. Batches can be tracked granularly or high-level by adding or simplifying steps in your Canix process. Batches can be looked back on historically for analysis of production quality and yields, or scheduled for future dates to plan production schedules over the next month, quarter or year.
- Canix Terminology
- Creating a Batch
- Manufacturing Calendar
- Create a Batch With a Template
- Adding Batch Details
- Analyzing Manufacturing Batches
Canix Terminology
The following terms can be found in Canix’s manufacturing module. While these terms are common for some customers or industries, they may not be familiar to others.
- Batch - This is a collection of steps to turn source material into an output or finished product through 1 or multiple steps (Runs). Track sources, outputs, non-cannabis inventory, labor, COGS, notes and settings per Batch.
- Batch Template - Predefined steps in the Batch process to quickly create new batches with the same steps. These can be considered SOPs with locations and notes to direct employees to the correct process.
- Estimated Output - Enter an estimated quantity and item name produced per step in the process to automate data inputs throughout the Run. Currently, this automates the input of non-cannabis inventory before the actual output is assigned a tag, as well as automates inputs for creating output packages in the Run. You will soon be able to report on what was estimated and what was actually produced.
- Target Output - Enter an estimated Target Output Quantity to be used for reporting purposes. Target Output Quantities do not impact input quantities.
- Run - Step in the batch process. A batch may have 1 Run to turn the source material into the finished product, or it may have multiple Runs to track materials, yields and metrics for each step in the production cycle.
- Run Type - These are categories to classify each Run. Classifying multiple steps in the batch as “Processing”, “Preparation”, “Extraction” or “Packaging” allows the business to track average cost and time spent in each of these categories across multiple batches to see parts of the process that are more costly or need optimizing.
Creating a Batch
A Batch can be created from a Batch Template, or by creating steps ad hoc. This requires first creating Run Types as categories for the different steps in your manufacturing process.
1. Creating Run Types
- Navigate to Manufacturing > Batches
- Select the Run Types tab (gray text tab at the top of your screen)
- Select Create Run Type and enter the name of your first category (i.e. Storage, Preparation, or Processing)
- Select Create and note the page may need to be refreshed to view all created run types
- Continue this process for all categories in your manufacturing process
2. Creating Batch Templates
- Navigate to Manufacturing > Batches and select the Batch Templates tab (gray text at the top of your screen)
Select Actions > Create Template and enter the template name
- i.e. 1g Vape Cartridges, 10mg Cookies, 1g Prerolls
- i.e. 1g Vape Cartridges, 10mg Cookies, 1g Prerolls
- Select Create to begin adding steps to the template
Select + Add Run to enter the Run Name and select a Run Category that aligns with that step
- Enter a Canix location for where this process takes place to direct employees to the right area for processing (optional)
- Enter a baseline for the hours in each step of the process, this can be edited when creating a batch (optional). Note: This does not affect labor hours or labor COGS and that is entered separately on the run.
- Select Add Estimated Output to select an item name that will be produced in this step. This item will reduce which BOMs are available to select when starting a run.
- Add any notes for employees or about this step in the process to be displayed in each batch created from this template (optional)
To continue adding steps, select Add Run
- To remove a step in the template, select the red X to the right of each run
- Click Save when the template is complete
- This can be edited after it's created
Note: Additional runs can be added on an individual batch by batch basis, if a step needs to be rerun or a process is altered slightly for 1 batch.
3. Creating a Batch
Batches can be created ad hoc or pre-populated from a template. To create a batch without a template:
- Navigate to Manufacturing > Batches
- Select Actions > Create Batch
Enter a batch name and optionally you can select a Batch Template - See Create a Batch With a Template
- It’s recommended to have a good naming convention for better filtering and searching in reporting (i.e. Choc Cookies 10mg - 03.24.21 or Green Farms - CC 10mg - 03.24.21) to track the source
- Select Create Batch
Select Add Run on the next screen to add your first step in the process
- Enter a Run Name, to select a Run Type users can begin typing to search and select the Run Type or Create a New Type if needed by selecting Create New Type
Users can associate a Bill of Materials to each Run by searching and selecting a Bill of Materials from the drop down.
Note: Selecting a Bill of Materials will pre-fill selected cannabis & non-cannabis inventory to the run. You can add, edit, or remove any inventory from the run once it has been created. - After selecting a Bill of Materials, a Bill Of Materials Summary will populate below. Users can select source and output items to pre-fill run details
- Enter an Estimated Output Quantity - the estimated quantity to initially populate non-cannabis quantities.
- De-Select Target output quantity is the same as the estimated quantity - if the target is different. Note: Target Output Quantity is only used for reporting purposes and does not have an impact on input quantities.
- Optionally, use the Notes & Attachments tab to add attachments, log equipment usage and value monitoring, as well as any custom observations. For more info, see the Notes & Attachments Tab section below.
- Select Add and continue to add runs for as many or few steps for reporting
If a step needs to be moved, or another run added to the middle of a process, select Reorder Runs to place the steps in the correct order.
Create a Batch With a Template
Select Create Batch and enter the batch name on the pop-up
- It’s recommended to have a good naming convention for better filtering and searching in reporting (i.e. Choc Cookies 10mg - 03.24.21 or Green Farms - CC 10mg - 03.24.21) to track the source
- Select the template saved previously to prefill the steps to complete this batch, then select Create Batch
- The runs should be pre-populated based on the template saved previously, additional runs can be added or edited for this batch
Note: Creating a manufacturing batch with a template will only show the Bills of Materials associated to the Output Items entered on the template when Confirming Run Details.
Manufacturing Calendar
Overview of the Manufacturing Calendar
The Manufacturing Calendar integrates seamlessly into the Manufacturing/Production section, giving users a calendar view of batches and production plans. This feature enhances visibility into batch start and end dates, ensuring teams are aligned on resource needs, processing timelines, and output expectations.
Key features of the Manufacturing Calendar include:
Interactive Calendar View: A visual representation of your batches and plans.
Dynamic Date Display: Batches/plans are shown based on their start and end dates.
Quick Navigation: Switch between calendar and list views for maximum flexibility.
How to Access the Manufacturing Calendar
Navigate to the Manufacturing section in the Canix.
Select Calendar from the navigation menu.
You will be directed to the calendar view.
Using the Manufacturing Calendar
1. Default Month View
The calendar opens in a month view by default, broken down from Sunday to Saturday.
All dates for the selected month are displayed to ensure complete visibility.
2. Switching to Week View
Select the Week option to see a detailed breakdown of activities for a specific week.
Like the month view, this is organized from Sunday to Saturday.
3. Calendar Details
Batches/Plans Display:
Bars represent individual batches or plans.
Each bar spans the batch/plan start date to the end date.
If only a start date is available, the bar displays on the start date.
If neither date is available, the batch/plan is excluded from the calendar.
Clickable Batches:
Click on any batch on the calendar to view its detailed page.
Switch to List View:
Use the "Switch to List View" option to return to the traditional batch table.
Future Enhancements
This initial release of the Manufacturing Calendar lays the groundwork for future updates, including:
Drag-and-Drop Functionality: In an upcoming release, you will be able to adjust batch start and end dates directly from the calendar by dragging and dropping items.
Best Practices
Regularly Update Batch Information: Ensure all batches/plans have accurate start and end dates to maximize the utility of the calendar.
Use Weekly Views for Detailed Planning: The week view is ideal for zooming in on immediate tasks and priorities.
Leverage Clickable Links: Navigate to batch detail pages directly from the calendar to access comprehensive information.
Common Questions
1. Why isn’t my batch displaying on the calendar?
Ensure the batch/plan has a start date. Batches without a start date will not appear on the calendar.
2. How do I switch back to the list view?
Click the "Switch to List View" option at the top of the calendar.
Adding Batch Details
Before beginning with the first step in the batch, add any start dates, end dates and notes to the batch so the batch schedule on the previous page is accurate.
- Any additional steps (Runs) can be added to this batch (now or as the batch progresses). To repeat any steps, or add any unique steps for this batch, select+ Add Run at the bottom of the Batch page.
- Runs can be reordered by selecting Reorder Runs and using the arrows to move them up or down in the list.
To begin inputting information in the first step, select the first Run name in the steps listed.
Run Details
Select the Edit icon in Run Details to edit any details from the batch template, or add information like the Start Date and End Date of this step.
Select the Edit icon next to the Bill of Materials header to change the following details:
- Select a new Bill of Materials to populate or replace previously populated NCI from the BOM in the inputs section
- Estimated Source Items populate with Bill of Material source items, if specified on the BOM. Use one of the specified BOM cannabis source items, or select a new source item to populate on the run.
Select 1 or more Estimated Output Items to populate, or replace previously populated output items from the BOM on the run.
- Enter the estimated output quantity displayed per output item to determine the NCI and source quantities to be populated on the run. Update this quantity at any point to update the input quantities in bulk.
- If more than 1 package quantity is specified on the BOM, enter the estimated quantity per package to be prefilled in the outputs section of the run
- The estimated non-cannabis inputs are populated below the estimated output items to confirm changes are as expected before bulk updating the run
Deselect the option for Target Output Quantity to specify the original quantity desired from the run.
Note: Updating this quantity does not bulk update any inventory on the run, but allows users to report on target quantity compared to actual quantity.
Select Save on the Edit Run side panel to save changes made.
Inputs Section
Cannabis Inputs
- If a BOM was selected when creating the run, or specified in the Edit Run Details side panel, a placeholder for the expected source package item will be prefilled
- Select Select Source Package to find a package of that item only
- To select packages of other item names, the user should select + Add Packages > Active Packages and search by package details, like tag number, item name or item type.
Allocate all or part of the packaged quantities to this batch by specifying the input quantity for this run
Tip: If any COGS are on this package, they’ll be displayed in this Sources section. -
To Edit cannabis inputs, select the ellipses to the right of each input > Edit Input. Select a new package or change the input quantity.
Note: Select the option to Redistribute proportionally across output packages to bulk update already created outputs with the correct input quantities based on the proportional output package quantities.
To Remove cannabis inputs, select the ellipses to the right of each input > Remove Input.
Note: if a cannabis output package has already been populated referencing the removed input as a source, a confirmation message will appear to confirm the removal of both the input and output package
Non-Cannabis Inputs
Non-Cannabis Sources can be added before an output package is created in this run. This allows employees to see the quantity and items to be used in this step, but actual quantities deducted will be added to the Outputs tab once an output package is generated.
To add non-cannabis inputs from a Bill of Material (BOM) not populated in Run Details, select + Add Input > Non-Cannabis Inventory > Add from Bill of Materials. Specify the quantity per NCI item to be prefilled in the inputs section.
Tip: To edit all NCI quantities from a BOM in bulk on the run, add the BOM to Run Details and enter an estimated output quantity. -
To add non-cannabis products individually, + Add Input > Non-Cannabis Inventory > Add as Individual Product
- Search from your list of non-cannabis products using the product name or SKU
- Use FIFO or Select a Lot
Enter the quantity of NCI products to be added to the run
Note: The quantity will not be deducted until applied to an output package and the run is submitted. The quantities will proportionally be added to output packages created on the run, or the quantities on each package can be specified by the user.
To Edit non-cannabis inputs, select the ellipses to the right of each input > Edit Input. Select a new product, lot, or change the input quantity.
Note: Select the option to Redistribute proportionally across output packages to bulk update already created outputs with the correct input quantities based on the proportional output package quantities. - To Remove non-cannabis inputs, select the ellipses to the right of each input > Remove Input. NCI quantities will be removed from any output packages they were assigned to. No confirmation message or warning is displayed.
Bulk Edit Inputs
- Click the Bulk Edit Inputs button to open the modal.
Redistribute All Inputs:
- Toggle the “Redistribute all Inputs (# of inputs)” option at the top.
- This will automatically enable redistribution for all inputs.
Select Specific Inputs to Redistribute:
- If you prefer to redistribute only certain inputs, toggle on individual inputs manually.
- Leave inputs unselected if you do not want them redistributed.
- Each source input will display:
- Remaining Usable or Available Quantity
- Allocated Quantity (pre-filled with the current allocation for the run)
- Update the allocated quantity for each input as needed.
- Changes will automatically update the total allocated quantity for the run.
- Validation: Canix will prevent you from over-pulling from package or lot quantities.
Save Changes: Once you’ve made your adjustments:
- Click Save
- A loading spinner will appear while the system processes the updates.
- Canix will redistribute the inputs based on your selections and updated quantities.
Note: When selecting inputs for redistribution, a warning will appear:"Redistributing the selected inputs will reset allocation across all existing output packages proportionally based on output quantity. Please confirm allocated input quantity before redistributing."
Key Features and Behaviors of Editing Inputs in Bulk
- Proportional Allocation: Redistributed inputs are reallocated proportionally across all output packages based on their quantities.
- Input Validation: Prevents over-pulling from Source Cannabis or Non-Cannabis inventory.
- Decimal Precision: Allocations are limited to 8 decimal places for precise distribution.
- Default Selections: Inputs are not selected for redistribution by default, giving you complete control over the process.
Bulk Edit Inputs Best Practices
- Confirm Allocations: Always review the allocated quantities before saving to avoid unintended changes.
- Batch Redistribute: Use the “Redistribute All Inputs” toggle for larger runs to save time.
- Avoid Over-pulling: The system ensures you cannot exceed available inventory, but double-check totals for accuracy.
Bulk Edit Inputs Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Can I edit quantities for inputs without redistributing them?
A: Yes! Inputs that are not selected for redistribution can still have their quantities updated without affecting allocations.
Q: What happens if I redistribute inputs with leftover quantities?
A: Any remaining quantities will be allocated to the first created output package to ensure full distribution.
Q: Is there a limit to the number of inputs I can redistribute?
A: No, you can redistribute as many inputs as needed in a single action.
Outputs Section
Add cannabis outputs and cannabis waste, as well as see finalized non-cannabis inventory usage based on the outputs created.
Packages will be validated one by one in Canix once they have been added to the outputs card. The Outputs card is paginated, so 10 output tags will be shown at a time. Click through each page to see all tags that are going to be created.
Tags that have errors (like tag already in use) will be highlighted in red at the top
- Replace all errored tags in a bulk action through Replace Tags
Select the Filter to only errored packages toggle to only view
Cannabis Outputs from a BOM
To create a package from an output item when using BOMs in a run, select the prefilled Create Output Package text in the Outputs section, and fill in required details for creating a package
Package tag will be prefilled with the next available tag number in the facility. Select the refresh icon to the right of the tag number if the tag is already used.
Note: if another output package tag is already populated on the run, you may see the same tag number recommended for another output package on the run. Manually adjust the last few digits of the new tag number if receiving a “Tag already in use” error. - Item Name will be prefilled with the output item from the BOM. Click into the field to select a new item.
- Packaged date will be prefilled with today’s date. Select the field to choose a new date from the calendar.
- Enter the new Packaged Quantity and ensure the Unit is correct for the output item
Location is required in some states, and for certain license types. If required but not specified when submitting the run, an error will appear on the run, and a failed submission in Admin > Submissions > Metrc Submissions will be logged
Tip: If your Metrc facility does not allow locations, locations can be managed as Canix-only fields -
Advanced Details include the following fields:
- Expiration Date is a Canix-only field to display in reporting by package
Production Batch will be sent to Metrc and represents a new testing lineage. Leave Blank to carry the lab results from the source package to the child package.
- WARNING: production batches are case sensitive and will create a new test lineage if it does not match the source package exactly.
- Lot ID is a Canix-only field to track a group of inventory, or for additional package details. This is commonly used as a batch ID that doesn’t affect testing lineages or compliance system details
Is Testing Package can be selected for packages being sent to a lab for testing. This should not be selected unless the entire package quantity is being sent to a lab for testing, and is not reversible if selected by mistake
Note: For states that require selecting testing reasons, a drop down will be displayed after enabling this option to select from a list of available Metrc testing reasons.
Package tag will be prefilled with the next available tag number in the facility. Select the refresh icon to the right of the tag number if the tag is already used.
- Pulled input quantities on the right side of output packages are prefilled with the full amount of input inventory applied to the run. To split across multiple packages, manually enter the correct pulled quantity for this package, or select Edit Input on the source inventory inputs section > redistribute proportionally across output packages option.
- To Edit an output package, select the ellipses to the right of each output package > Edit Input
- To Remove an output package, select the ellipses to the right of each output package > Remove Input. A warning message will not appear to confirm the deletion of the package.
Cannabis Outputs outside of a BOM
- Select + Add Output > Add Outputs to create cannabis output packages
Enter new package details to apply to multiple packages in bulk on the left side of the modal, or select a package on the right side to begin editing individual packages
Package tag will be prefilled with the next available tag number in the facility. Select the refresh icon to the right of the tag number if the tag is already used.
Note: if another output package tag is already populated on the run, you may see the same tag number recommended for another output package on the run. Manually adjust the last few digits of the new tag number if receiving a “Tag already in use” error. - # Packages can be specified if creating multiple packages on the run. Enter the number of new packages being created if more than 1.
- Item Name searches facility data items and applies to all packages on the right side
- Packaged date will be prefilled with today’s date. Select the field to choose a new date from the calendar.
- Per Package Quantity and Unit applies to each package individually. Enter the individual package quantity, not the total quantity to split across packages.
Location is required in some states, and for certain license types. If required but not specified when submitting the run, an error will appear on the run, and a failed submission in Admin > Submissions > Metrc Submissions will be logged
Tip: If your Metrc facility does not allow locations, locations can be managed as Canix-only fields -
Advanced Details include the following fields:
- Expiration Date is a Canix-only field to display in reporting by package
Production Batch will be sent to Metrc and represents a new testing lineage. Leave Blank to carry the lab results from the source package to the child package.
- WARNING: production batches are case sensitive and will create a new test lineage if it does not match the source package exactly.
- Lot ID is a Canix-only field to track a group of inventory, or for additional package details. This is commonly used as a batch ID that doesn’t affect testing lineages or compliance system details
Is Testing Package can be selected for individual packages being sent to a lab for testing. This should not be selected unless the entire package quantity is being sent to a lab for testing, and is not reversible if selected by mistake
Note: For states that require selecting testing reasons, a drop down will be displayed after enabling this option to select from a list of available Metrc testing reasons.
Package tag will be prefilled with the next available tag number in the facility. Select the refresh icon to the right of the tag number if the tag is already used.
Confirm Cannabis Source Quantity on the left side to split across packages evenly. Manually edit source quantities per output package by selecting the package on the right side.
Note: if waste will be logged on the run, decrease the amount of source quantity applied to packages so the quantity can be assigned as waste in a later step. - Confirm Non-Cannabis Input Quantity on the left side to split across packages evenly. Manually edit NCI quantities per output package by selecting the package on the right side
- To Edit an output package, select the ellipses to the right of each output package > Edit Input
- To Remove an output package, select the ellipses to the right of each output package > Remove Input. A warning message will not appear to confirm the deletion of the package.
Cannabis Waste
- Select + Add Output > Add Waste to log waste from source packages on the run
In the side panel, fill in the waste details per source package
Note: For processes where waste cannot be specified per package, enter a proportional quantity per package- Package dropdown shows only source package tags on the run. A source tag must be in the inputs section of the run to log waste.
Waste Weight is the weight from this package that should be submitted as waste
Note: Waste weight must manually be removed from the pulled quantities assigned to output packages if prefilled with the full source package quantity when generating the output package. - Waste Reasons are required, and populated for Metrc facilities from Metrc
- Waste Date can be selected from the calendar, and is required
Finish Package can be selected optionally if the source package will be 0 quantity at the end of the run, and should be marked finished
Labor Tab
Assign employees and hours worked to each run to track COGS and productivity. Before assigning employees, Admins can add an hourly rate to users under Admin > User Management to calculate labor COGS per package.
- Select + Add Labor
Select a Canix User and enter the number of hours worked on this run
- Tip: Generic users can be added as Canix users in user management with hourly rates to be assigned in place of actual users
💡 Edit or remove labor details by selecting the ellipses next to each employee
Notes & Attachments Tab
Upload attachments, add notes and observations, log equipment usage and value monitoring, as well as any custom observations. This now allows for granular QC, QA and equipment data tracking. There are 2 different cards in this section: Notes and Attachments.
From the Notes & Observations tab, select Add Notes to select from 3 different note types to add to your run:
- Custom
- Equipment & Processing Lines
- Monitoring Values
Canix always prefills who is logging the note, to be used for reporting purposes, QA and QC.
- The default note type; the Subject and Note fields are required.
Equipment & Processing Lines
- Allows you to delineate the equipment used on this run and enter any additional notes. The Equipment Used field is the only required field; select 1 or more from your current list.
- If needed, you can create new Equipment from this search input with the Equipment Name and Machine ID as required fields.
Monitoring Value
- This allows for many different optional fields including temperature, solvent used, solvent quantity and time in solvent, PSI. Optionally, enter any additional notes in the Note field if you’d like to add more context to your data capturing.
After updating all required and relevant fields, select Add Note to save. Saved Notes will appear in the Notes card. Custom note types will have their Subject as the title and we will be able to see who logged each note and the relevant information including machine info and value monitoring info like temperature.
💡 Notes can be edited or removed by the user who logged them before the run is submitted.
🚨 Notes cannot be edited once a run has been submitted.
From the Notes & Observations tab, select Upload to select attachments to add to your run, such as uploading SOPs for a run type (extraction for example). This allows team members to reference or download them and have a shared space to keep them.
Manufacturing COGS
COGS are applied to output packages only based on the assigned inputs. The following COGS types are tracked in manufacturing runs:
Cannabis COGS - COGS are transferred from source packages to output packages based on the pulled weight applied to the output package. This weight is specified per package on the left side of the output package modal. Cannabis COGS can be added to source packages from incoming transfer prices, or by assigning packages to a PO using the purchase price as COGS.
Note: Waste does not receive COGS. If waste is assigned to a run, COGS are redistributed to output packages proportionally based on the pulled quantity per package.
Non-Cannabis COGS - the cost of non-cannabis ingredients used on the run are applied to the output packages based on the specified NCI quantities per package. This can be edited from the left side of the Edit Output Packages modal. Non-cannabis cost is calculated from the unit cost of the lots used, and the quantity specified on the run.
- Labor COGS - the cost of labor is proportionally applied to output packages based on the proportion of the output package quantity. Labor cost is calculated based on the selected employee’s hourly rate set in User Management, and the number of hours specified on the run.
Analyzing Manufacturing Details
Each run, or step in the batch process, has a calculated yield displayed in the batch record view. Run Yields are calculated based on the cannabis inputs and output quantities on a run, and can be viewed by selecting the yield value in the batch record view.
Count-based outputs created from a volume or weight-based input has yields calculated using the source quantity allocated to the output
Note: Non-cannabis quantities are not included in the calculation, but may be included in the output quantity depending on the type of product produced.
Additional yields can be found in manufacturing reporting under the Reporting navigation section.
Contact support if you need any additional manufacturing reports or need any fields added to reporting to get the analysis you're looking for.