Below is a list of commonly used industry and Canix-specific terms.
Adjustment - A reported change in the quantity of packaged inventory, requiring a reason, such as water loss.
Allocate - To associate a package with a sales order.
Allocated [Input Quantity/COGS] - Amount assigned to run. Should equal “Used Quantity” for run to be successfully submitted.
Batch Tag - A tag that is associated with and represents a plant batch.
Bucking - Also known as "taking tops", functionally it is the same as manicuring a plant wherein you take off the top portion of a plant in order to help it grow more fully.
Buds - The harvested flower part of the plant.
Business Licensee - A business licensed by the State to grow, process, and/or sell medical cannabis. A business licensee may conduct business with other business licensees, vendors, and/or patients.
CCA - The California cannabis Authority (CCA) is a California regulatory body. It requires that farmers in participating counties (not all California counties) submit data to them via their API (run by a company called NCS Analytics.). The CCA API is similar to, but not identical to, the METRC API.
Clone - A small cutting from a mother plant that is used to make a new planting and preserve the strain of plant.
Cola - A cluster of buds on a branch.
Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) - Includes the cost of materials and labor used to create a product. Available only in Canix, this calculation populates when a wholesale transfer is created.
Concentrate - Processed flower into an oil that can be smoked via vapes or turned into “shatter” for dabbing
Cultivation Tax - "The cultivation tax applies to all harvested cannabis that enters the commercial market. Cultivators are responsible for paying the cultivation tax to the distributor or to the manufacturer if the first transfer or sale of unprocessed cannabis is to a manufacturer."
Concentrate - An amount of cannabis, in concentrated form, processed on a given date and having a specified weight. This cannabis inventory may be sold or transferred by weight or processed by weight into a Processor. Prior to transfer, bulk concentrate inventory must be packaged into one or more containers, each having a unique RFID tag.
Curing - Same as Drying. Curing wet (raw) plants dries them out and makes them ready for processing.
Current [Input Quantity] - Current quantity of any active inventory used to determine if there is enough quantity to use in run.
Distillate - A chemical used for processing.
Drying - The same as Curing. Drying wet (raw) plants dries them out and makes them ready for processing.
Dry Trim - The process or act of trimming harvested plants where the buds are trimmed after the plants have dried.
Employee - An individual who works for a Business Licensee.
Estimated - Applies only before any tags and/or lots are assigned.
- Source/Input Quantities (Cannabis or Non-Cannabis)
- Output(s)
- Output Quantities
- COGS (Input or Output)
Facility - An individual link in the cannabis supply chain, with its own distinct function (e.g. Cultivation, Processing, Distribution, Retail, etc). Tied to a unique License Number. Can be one or more buildings/rooms, but usually just one.
Fibrous Waste - Material from root structure.
Flowering - Flowering is the gametophytic or reproductive state of cannabis in which the plant is in a designated flowering space that is a limited access area monitored by one or more surveillance cameras within a grow facility with a light cycle intended to produce flowers, trichomes and cannabinoids characteristic of medical cannabis. The flowering space shall be clearly identified by signage designated by the MED and all cannabis shall be accounted for as inventory. Flowering plants may only be possessed within a limited access area of a licensed grow facility.
Grow Canopy - The total area of actual plant growing. A grow house could be 1000 sq ft large and only have 500 sq ft of growing canopy. This is how Canix determines pricing in Oklahoma.
Growth Phases - The stages of a plant that it goes through before being harvested. Immature > Vegetative > Flowering are the Metrc categories in all states but California. Califonira does not include Vegetative.
Harvest - The process or act of cutting down a plant and obtaining the wet weight of the plant before initiating the wet or dry trim process. The harvest process is performed only on plants from the flowering phase. Any number of plants of the same strain may be harvested at the same time in a harvest batch.
Harvest Batch - A collection of harvested plants of the same strain which were cut at the same time. There may be multiple harvest batches for the same strain on the same day.
Hash - cannabis in a concentrated form, processed on a given date, measured by weight. Hash may be packaged and sold.
Immature Plant Batch - This is a batch of identical immature plants logged into Metrc as a group prior to being moved into the vegetative phase.
Infused Product - An amount of an infused or non-smokable product, processed on a given date. This inventory will usually be sold by quantity. Prior to transfer, bulk-infused inventory must be packaged into one or more containers, each having a unique RFID tag.
Inputs - Track all the cannabis and non-cannabis inventory that is used for that run.
Inventory Availability - Complete overview of your inventory including total, available ordered, and allocated items.
Items - A term used to describe the contents of a Package (i.e. non-plant inventory) in Canix. These can be seeds, waste, flower, trim, extract, etc.
Kief - Refers to the resin glands (or trichomes) of cannabis which may accumulate in containers or be sifted from loose dry cannabis flower with a mesh screen or sieve.
Labels - Barcodes that are used to track plant batches, plants, and packages. Generally interchangeable with the term "tag."
Labor - Track labor hours by employee.
Licensee - Any Person licensed or registered pursuant to the State Code.
Live Plant - A cannabis plant that has not yet been harvested and is in one of the following phases: Immature, Vegetative, or Flowering.
Manicure - There are two ways to use this term. Metrc Manicure: This is when you take a partial part of a plant with the intention of selling it. A lot of people also use the term "harvesting tops" for manicure. Industry Manicure: When you trim or prune a plant.
Manifest - Also known as a Transfer. The shipping document that is required to transport cannabis products.
Metrc Trained Administrator - An Owner or an occupationally licensed employee of a Medical cannabis Business who has attended and successfully completed Metrc training and who has completed any additional training required by the Division. Metrc Supplemental Guide Rev. 10.3 184.
Metrc User - An Owner or an occupationally licensed cannabis Business employee who is granted Metrc User account access for the purposes of conducting inventory tracking functions in the Metrc system, who has been successfully trained by Metrc Trained Administrator(s) in the proper and lawful use Metrc, and who has completed any additional training required by the Division.
Mother - A cannabis plant in vegetative state that is cut to produce clones of itself.
Non-cannabis Inventory - Any inventory that is not cannabis that you want to track in Canix. For example, butter and sugar for cookies, rolling papers for pre-rolls, or jars for storing bud.
Non-cannabis Recipe - A function in Canix that allows you to define a bill of materials that will be automatically deducted from inventory when you create the item defined in that recipe.
Nursery - A standalone facility (or staging area of a cultivation facility) where immature plant batches are grown into Vegetative/Mature plants (either for sale to other facilities, or for growth internally).
Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) - The state regulatory body for Oklahoma.
Outputs - Track the resulting cannabis or non-cannabis inventory from that run. This could also be waste.
Package - An amount of cannabis that may be sold, processed, or transferred and must be placed into one or more containers, each having a unique RFID tag. Once plants have been harvested, dried, and packaged, they must be tracked with package labels (while in inventory, and on their way out of your farm).
Patient - An individual who is registered with the State entity and has been recommended medical cannabis by a licensed physician, and who has obtained, or is in the process of, obtaining a Patient Card.
Plant Batch - A group of small, immature plants (usually <100 per batch). Each time a cultivator plants seeds or clones of the same strain, they are required to track the entire group of immature plants together (this is the Plant Batch).
Plant Tag - A tag that identifies an individual plant that is not immature.
Production Batch - This is a group of packages created from a production run of infused product.
Pulled [Input Quantity] - Amount actually used for any given output.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - a wireless automatic data capture technology. RFID systems are made up of three components an RFID tag, an antenna, and a reading device. An RFID tag contains a silicon chip and that enables it to receive and respond to radio frequency queries from an RFID reading device. RFID tags use the energy from the reader device to power on the tag and send the return signal back to the reading device. Tags usually contain small amounts of information, generally 96 to 512 bits of information. RFID tags can read from short distances of a few inches to longer ranges like 15 feet.
Run Settings - Track particular settings or additional notes related to that manufacturing run.
Sales Order - An order created within Canix with the intention of fulfilling an invoice of products to be exchanged in a sale.
Seed to Sale Software - Refers to a software that keeps track of all cannabis and cannabis products from the time that a seed has been planted up to the sale of the product at a dispensary.
Shake - The harvested parts of the plant that are not waste.
Strain - A specific genus grouping of cannabis plants. Strains may be specific to each business.
Target [Output Quantity] - Used solely for reporting purposes, when target may differ from what’s expected given materials available for run.
Total COGS from Run - = sum of COGS from allocated input quantities + labor COGS
The amount of cost accumulated in the run that will be distributed across run outputs.
Transfer - A transaction in which the custody of the inventory changes to a different Business Licensee, but the ownership of the inventory does not.
Transferred COGS - Used to show what value of COGS is being taken from an input and put into an output.
Transportation Manifest - A document containing the details of medical cannabis package(s) transferred between licensed businesses. A digital copy of the manifest will be stored in Metrc.
Used [Input Quantity] - Amount applied to any output packages and/or waste. Should equal “Input Quantity” for run to be successfully submitted.
Vegetative - Vegetation is the sporophytic state of the cannabis plant which is a form of asexual reproduction in plants during which plants do not produce resin or flowers and are bulking up to a desired production size for flowering in a designated limited access area monitored by one or more surveillance cameras as provided by rule. The vegetation space shall be clearly identified by signage designated by the MED and all cannabis located in the vegetation space within a limited access area of a grow facility shall be accounted for as inventory. Vegetation may only occur within a limited access area upon the licensed premises of a grow facility. Each vegging plant will be assigned an RFID tag logged into Metrc
Vegging - A cannabis plant in the vegetative phase not yet flowering.
Waste – Any unusable material per-harvest, during harvest, or post-harvest, that is going to be discarded or composted.
Wet Trim - The process or act of processing harvested plants where the buds are trimmed before the plants have dried.
Whole Wet Plant - May also be called "Fresh Frozen", this is a whole cannabis plant that is typically sold to a processor/manufacturer for extraction into live resin/rosin.
Wholesale Transfer - A transaction in which both the custody and the ownership of the inventory changes to a different business licensee.
Some terms and descriptions are borrowed from Metrc's User Manual.