Purchase Orders allow customers to request and enter both cannabis and non-cannabis inventory in Canix. This feature was created for customers to be able to send requests to vendors for supplies, then log the receipt and payment for these materials. Once receiving the materials, the Purchase Order also automatically adds to the non-cannabis inventory in Canix. This will not add Cannabis Items to your Inventory, this would require an Incoming Transfer.
- From the web application, navigate to Sales > Purchase Orders
- Select Create Purchase Order
- This will generate a Purchase Order, complete all required fields for the Purchase Order including Vendor, product, quantities, and requested delivery date.
- Note: The Payment Date will automatically be based on the Payment Terms selected.
- "Submitted by" will be prefilled by the user creating the order. This field is uneditable.
- Click Create to save the Purchase Order
- Once the Purchase Order has been Created, you can Create a Request For Quotation by clicking Download Quote
- To Receive Products and add items to Non Cannabis Inventory, click Receive Products
- Select the line items you want to receive into your facility by checking the box next to each item, and clicking Receive (Note: Details for received inventory will be entered on the following page. Unselected items can be received at a later time.)
- Receiving Cannabis Items:
- Cannabis Line Items can be received with a package tag attached to them.
- If a Cannabis Item is received with a package tag, the line item price will be associated to the package tag as Cannabis COGS (cost of goods sold).
- Packages can only be received on a Purchase Order if they meet the following requirements:
- Active
- Compliance Submitted
- Not "Allocated" or "In Quarantine"
- Greater than 0 quantity
- Receiving Cannabis Items:
- Confirm the quantity of the items, and received date. As well as a Lot Number, this is something similar to a Production Batch Number and is used for tracking purposes.
- Finalize the Purchase Order by Downloading the Purchase Order.