To remediate missing Non-Cannabis Inventory before new packages are created, Canix has added a Non-Cannabis Inventory tab to Split and Combine Package Creation Flows. This tab provides detailed tracking into how much Non-Cannabis Inventory will be used from Bills of Materials to create the new cannabis outputs.
Non-Cannabis Inventory Tab
Overview of the Non-Cannabis Inputs Tab
The Non-Cannabis Inputs tab is designed to offer a comprehensive view of all non-cannabis materials used in the package splitting process. This tab is located at the top of the split package and combine package card providing easy access and visibility.
Check out this video from our product team covering the tab in action: Non-Cannabis Inputs Tab.
Key Features
- Warning for Insufficient NCI Quantity: If there is insufficient non-cannabis quantity, a warning symbol with a hover tip will appear on the Non-Cannabis Inputs tab, alerting you to potential issues.
- Bill of Material (BOM) Integration: By default, no Bill of Material will be used since the new item is pre-filled the same as the source, which doesn’t apply a BOM. However, when a BOM is applied as new items are populated in the action, all BOMs being applied to cannabis items will be listed in the same order as the cannabis item names in the cannabis tab.
- Collapsible Cannabis Items: Cannabis items can be collapsed or uncollapsed, with the default setting being collapsed. This feature helps in managing screen real estate and focusing on specific items as needed.
- Hyperlinked BOMs: The Bill of Material is displayed in subtext underneath the quantity, and it is hyperlinked to open in a new tab, providing quick access to detailed information.
- Hyperlinked NCI Items: The Non-Cannabis Inventory Items required for each Cannabis Output being created are hyperlinked, allowing quick and easy editing access
- Refresh Non-Cannabis Quantities: If new Non-Cannabis Inventory Quantity is added, you can simply select the Refresh Non-Cannabis Quantities button to pull in the most up to date quantity values for your NCI
Workflow Enhancements
- Quantity Applied Upon Submission: This feature shows the amount of non-cannabis inventory that will be applied to the packages of that item, whether complete, partial, or none. It provides clarity on the usage and availability of non-cannabis inputs.
- Confirmation Message on Submission: When the Submit button is selected with missing NCI quantities, a confirmation message will display, ensuring you are aware of any discrepancies before proceeding.
- Error Handling and Logging: The system will apply all NCI that had available quantities and skip applying NCI with 0 quantity. Errors will be displayed, and a log will be created for each package that did not receive NCI, detailing which NCI didn’t apply, the quantity, the date, and the BOM name. This log facilitates tracking and addressing any issues promptly.