BioTrack facilities can harvest plants through Canix to log flower wet weight, other material weight, and waste weight.
Harvesting Plants
Follow the steps below to harvest plants in Canix:
- Navigate to Plants > Plants > View: Current, or a saved view of Current plants
- Using the plant results in a filtered view, or selecting 1 or more plants from the table > Actions > Harvest Plants
- Enter the following information before submitting a harvest to BioTrack:
- New Room - (Optional) Specify the drying room for the selected plants. If no room is selected, the plants will remain in the current plant room.
- Total Flower Wet Weight - (Required) Enter the flower wet weight to be submitted for all plants in the harvest. This will create Flower inventory. Note - only the total weights are submitted to BioTrack, not per individual plant weight.
- Other Material Quantity - (Optional) Enter the total weight of Other Material for all plants in the harvest. This will create Other Material in Inventory.
- Waste Quantity - (Optional) Enter the total waste weight for all plants in the harvest. This will create Waste inventory.
- Lot ID - (Optional) A Canix only field to represent a collection of plants. Use the same Lot ID from the selected plants, or start a new Lot ID to represent the harvest in reporting.
- Keep all plants in growing phase - This will keep all plants as Current after submitting the harvest weights. Select this option to be able to submit additional flower, other material, and/or waste weight at a later time.
- Add additional plants to the harvest weights using the search on the right side
- Remove any plants not to be included in the weights using the red X to the right of the tags
- Select Submit to submit the weights and room changes to BioTrack and Canix.
Plants will change from Current to Drying unless the option to “keep all plants in growing phases” was selected.
Viewing Drying Plants
Plants are considered drying after they are harvested, and the option was not selected to keep the plants in a growing phase for additional collections of weights. To view drying plants, navigate to Plants > Plants > View: Drying.
Only two actions are available for Drying plants: Create Waste, and Assign Lot ID
- Create Waste - no plants need to be selected to create additional Waste quantities in Inventory. See here to learn more about creating plant waste
- Assign Lot ID - A Canix only field to assign or change the Lot ID associated with a collection of plants.