Canix is proud to bring you one of the most robust Non-Cannabis Inventory (NCI) reports on the market. This tool helps manufacturers track their inventory more granularly and brings you data to make informed decisions about inventory, sales, and production. This new report also helps to better maintain compliance and safety by making it easier to track down cannabis packages in the event of a recall. For our cultivators, the NCI Usage Report can help you track nutrients and other additives used during the cultivation process.
This tool will replace our previous NCI reports, here are a few changes you can expect:
- Selecting an NCI product that has been used before will show a quick summary of what’s been used and current quantities.
- You can add new inventory/lots in the top-right view (moved from being at the bottom before).
- You can see the last 10 deductions/usage in the table at the bottom. If you select View Usage Log, it will bring you to a filtered view of the usage report.
How to Access NCI Usage Reports
Navigate to Inventory > Non-Cannabis > Usage Report
Columns include:
- Product Name
- Lot
- Vendor
- Quantity
- Units
- Non-cannabis cost of goods sold (COGS)
- Usage Date
- Applied to Tag
- This links to the plant or package to which the NCI is applied.
- Tag Type
- This is based on the inventory type to which the NCI was applied (i.e. plant batch, plant, harvest, or package).
- Tag Status
- Statues include,
- Package type: Active, Finished, Transferred, Inactive
- Plant type: Active, Destroyed, Harvested, Inactive
- Plant Batch type: Active, Inactive
- Harvest type: Active, Finished, Inactive
- Statues include,
- Created Date
- Depending on type, this can be the Packaged Date, Planted Date, or Harvested Date
- Original Quantity
- The weight of the package or harvest before splits, adjustments, or waste.
- Item Name
- Only applies to packages, contains the package item name
- Strain Name
- Production Batch
- Only applies to packages, not plants or harvests
- Finished Date
- Depending on the Tag Type this can either be the Finished/Deactivated date for packages and harvests; or the Destroyed date for Plants (there is no finish date for Plant Batches).
How to use NCI Usage Reports
Option 1 - Create a Bill of Materials (BOM)
- In the Canix web application, navigate to Inventory > Non-Cannabis > Bill of Materials
- Create a Bill of Materials
When BOMs are used, NCI and COGS will be associated to the corresponding cannabis item and tracked within the NCI Usage Report.
Option 2 - Select Inventory and assign NCI
- In the Canix web application, navigate to Plant Batches, Plants, Harvests, or Packages
- Select Actions > Assign Non-Cannabis Inventory
- Search for the product name, vendor, or lot you want to apply to the inventory
- Enter quantity used,
- Note: if the quantity selected is more than what is available in the Lot, you will need to adjust the quantity used to match the available Lot quantity; then add another ingredient in order for another Lot to assign the remaining inventory used.
- You can view the COGS that will be applied to the inventory in the bottom section before you submit the usage
- Click Submit
Once submitted, the usage will appear in the NCI usage report, inventory will be deducted from the product’s quantity, and COGS will be applied to the inventory. As plants are harvested, this COGS amount is passed onto the harvest for a total cultivation COGS amount. This will not apply to packages created from the Harvest as Canix can not know the total amount of packaged weight that will come from the harvest. Customers should reference the COGS amount on Harvests to manually enter the correct amount on harvest packages
- Does this show usage across all facilities?
- At this time it is specific to the facility that you are currently logged into, we will be adding a facility filter at a later date.
- How do I know what inventory the NCI was applied to?
- This report allows you to search the NCI and see all inventory to which it was applied.
- Can I download these reports?
- Yes, NCI Usage Reports can be downloaded for additional filtering and reporting.
- How do COGS apply to NCI?
- COGS uses the unit price of the NCI when the product was deducted, not the current sale price of the NCI.