Currently Supported Features in Canix
Canix Only Features
- Canix Permissions & Pending Approval - Permissions are supported and available in the Admin section.
- Custom Growth Phases - Since BioTrack does not support growth phases in the API, custom growth phases can be managed in Canix.
- Custom Package Statuses - QA status is not synced with Canix currently, but can be managed with custom package statuses.
- Sales Orders / Customers
- Purchase Orders / Vendors
- Non-Cannabis Inventory (and all associated activity)
- BOMs - BOMs are associated with Product names, which are optional for non-End Product inventory types. It’s a best practice to use Products for all packages in Canix so BOMs and SO invoicing can be more specific.
- Manual Lab Tests
- Canix Lot IDs
- Shop
- Task Management
- Production Plannning
- Tags & Labels
- Canix API
- Reporting
- Inventory Availability
- Accounting > COGS
- Inventory > Point in Time Inventory table and chart (not plant) - Note: This will continue to show transferred packages until further supported.
- Sales > Sales by Brand
- Sales > Sales by Item/Sales by Customer
- Integrations
- LeafLink
- Sage Intacct
- Confident Cannabis
- Dutchie POS
Inventory Syncs
- Inventory is synced every 10 min with BioTrack
- Plant and Inventory (package) Rooms will display in Facility Data > Locations
- Strains are synced and will display in Facility Data > Strains
- Products (items) are not syncable from BioTrack and will populate in Facility Data > Items as seen on Active Packages when syncing new inventory.
- New Products can be created in Canix and will be synced with BioTrack once used on BioTrack End Product package types. For other package types that are not BioTrack End Product types, products will be used as friendly package items in Canix only
- Item Types (Inventory Types) are synced from BioTrack to populate this dropdown in Canix
- Newly created plants in BioTrack will display in Current Plants table
- Destroyed plants will move to the Destroyed Plants table
- Plants in the Drying (harvested) phase will display in the Drying Plants table
- Plants in the Curing (packaged harvest) phase will display in the Curing Plants table
- Newly created packages in BioTrack will display in Active Packages table
- Note - Transferred packages are not currently supported to move to the Transferred Packages table and will remain in Active Packages (see What Canix Doesn’t Support section)
- Vendors are synced from BioTrack to prefill facility information when creating a new vendor in Canix. Preferred Vendors are synced with Canix.
Plant Activity
- Create Plants from Packages - Plants are required to have a source package once a license is live after 30 days. Any Plants to be created without a source must be created in BioTrack.
- Create Plant Waste - Plants are not associated with waste entries in BioTrack. Only the specified weight is logged and submitted to BioTrack.
- Note - There are no currently supported Waste reports in Canix or BioTrack and therefore no visibility into previous waste entries outside of the Submissions table. BioTrack does not sync any plant waste weight created in BioTrack through their API.
- Change Custom Growth Phase - BioTrack doesn’t support growth phases through their API, but display plants in locations (rooms) as a stage (Veg, Flower, Drying). Growth Phases can be managed as a Canix only feature, or manage plants by locations.
- Note - create saved views to view inventory by location as a growth phase (i.e. create a Vegetative saved view with location = Veg filtered)
- Change Location - note that Locations in Canix are named Rooms in BioTrack
- Harvest Plants - BioTrack’s API requires plants to be scheduled for harvest before a harvest can be submitted. This harvest scheduling is not supported in Canix yet and must be done in BioTrack first. Once plants are scheduled for harvest, wet weights can be submitted in Canix as a harvest or manicure.
- Plants are moved to the Drying Plants table once submitted, but a harvest is not tracked like the Metrc/Standalone harvest overview currently. Wet Weights are not displayed currently in Canix.
- BioTrack’s API returns an error message that plants must first be scheduled for harvest, however the submission goes through (an update will be made to not display this error now that this has been identified as no longer required)
- Note - to manicure, select the option on the harvest page to keep plants in the Growing phase
- Cure Plants - BioTrack considers harvest packaging activities as Curing. To enter dried weights, a plant must first be in the Drying phase. Use the Cure Plants action from the Drying Plants table, or from the Current Plants table if plants are not synced with the correct phase yet.
- Plants move to the Fully Cured Plants table when all dried weights have been submitted. Packages are automatically provided tag numbers by BioTrack and displayed in the Active packages table once synced.
- Plant Table Views
- Custom Views are supported in BioTrack
- Current - All active plant inventory is displayed in the Current view. This excludes plants that have been harvested in Canix.
- Destroyed - Destroyed plants submitted from Canix are displayed in the Destroyed view. This does not sync plants destroyed prior to Canix, but does sync plants destroyed from BioTrack once integrated with Canix.
- Drying - For harvested plants submitted from Canix only, this view displays plants in the Drying phase. This does not correlate with the Drying room in BioTrack.
- Fully Cured - All harvested plants that have been Cured (packaged) with no further packaging to be done are displayed in this view.
Package Activity
- Unpack into Plantings - Plants must have a source after the beginning inventory period is complete. These can be unpacked from the packages table.
- Create Inventory Lot - As dried harvest packages are prepared for sale or processing, the Flower and Other Material inventory types must first be converted to a Flower Lot or Other Material Lot. This can be done only from these 2 inventory types using the Create Inventory Lot action in Canix.
- Create Inventory Sub Lot - This can only be done from packages with an item type that ends in “Lot” and is also known as a Split Package action.
- Convert Inventory - Only certain types of inventory can be converted in BioTrack to other types of inventory. All combinations of allowed conversions are not provided by BioTrack and is built with what was supported in Canix’s demo facility at the time of implementation.
- Additional convert inventory options can be added by creating a support ticket.
- Change Location (Room)
- Adjust Packages - BioTrack’s API does not provide a list of adjustment types automatically, but the following adjustment types were allowed by BioTrack at the time of implementation: “General Inventory Audit”, “Theft”, “Seizure by Federal, State, Local or Tribal Law Enforcement”, “Correcting a mistake”, “Moisture loss”, “Disposal”, “Wastage”
- Note - not all adjustment types are allowed for every package inventory type. A list of what is allowed and not allowed is not available from BioTrack but can be supported as identified by customers.
- Deactivate Packages (Destroy)- Packages must be scheduled for destruction in BioTrack first before they can be destroyed (scheduling for destruction is not currently supported in Canix). BioTrack requires a waiting period between scheduling and the time you destroy the package, and varies per state. This waiting period is not provided by BioTrack’s API and must by known by the customer when a package is ready to destroy.
- Note - once schedule destruction is supported in Canix, the time until available to destroy will be displayed when the action was taken in Canix only.
- Update Availability Status - Custom package statuses are supported in BioTrack facilities and can be managed from the packages table.
- Assign NCI - Non-Cannabis Inventory and BOMs are supported in BioTrack facilities and can be applied from the packages table.
- Assign Labor COGS - Labor COGS are supported in BioTrack facilities and can be applied from the packages table.
- Print Labels - Tag numbers are applied to BioTrack inventory after submitted and can be printed from the packages table, or the labels page.
- Package Table Views
- Custom Views are supported in BioTrack
- Active - This view shows all inventory from BioTrack’s Current view
- Note - Transferred packages currently display in this view until the customer receives the transfer. These are technically “In Transit” at that time and remain in the Active view.
- Unallocated - This view shows all packages from the Active view that are not on sales orders.
- Allocated - This view shows all packages from the Active view that are on sales orders.
- Transferred - This view is not supported in BioTrack currently. Further support to sync transfer and manifest information to come.
- Finished - Destroyed Packages populate here, as well as packages with 0 quantity are automatically moved to this view.
- Note - BioTrack no longer shows a package once it reaches 0 quantity, even when a destroy package action submitted.
- Unsubmitted - Pending Approval packages will appear in this view for BioTrack facilities
- All - packages from all views will be displayed in this view
- Package Table Columns - Since this table allows for views across facilities, some columns remain that are not populated by BioTrack. The following columns have different support in BioTrack facilities:
- Is Testing Package - this will currently be blank until QA Test statuses in BioTrack are supported in Canix.
- Is Sample - This is not supported in BioTrack facilities and expected to be blank
- Production Batch - This is not a BioTrack field and will be blank in BioTrack facilities
- Internal Lot ID - Utilize this field to manage batch information in BioTrack facilities as Production Batch is not available
- Source Harvest - BioTrack does not support friendly harvest names as expected in other compliance systems. This is expected to be blank for BioTrack facilities until support for friendly harvest names is supported in Canix.
- Source Production Batches - This is not a BioTrack field and will be blank
- Harvest Date - This is not supported in BioTrack, and will not be supported in Canix until friendly harvests are supported in Canix.
- Top 3 Terpenes - This is calculated for Metrc facilities only
Currently Unsupported Features in Canix
BioTrack’s API supports their web features, although additional features may be available in other versions, like BioTrack’s Desktop version. Those features are not available from BioTrack to integrate with Canix.
Canix only Features
- Looker reporting
- Cultivation Forecasting
- Manufacturing
Plant Activity
- BioTrack Plant Status - the Status column in BioTrack is not displayed in Canix currently. This displays whether a plant is scheduled for destruction or for harvest.
- Create Plants without a Source - BioTrack requires plants to be created from source packages once a license is active for 30 days. Any beginning inventory in the first 30 days must be created in BioTrack, which will sync with Canix.
- Create Plants from Mother Plant - BioTrack API requires the source to be one of the following inventory types: Clone, Seed, Seedling, Immature Plant, Mature Plant or Plant Tissue. The API does not currently allow plants to be set as the source for a new plant. However, the plant can be packaged in BioTrack, and then unpacked in Canix.
- Schedule & Destroy Plants - Plants in BioTrack must first be scheduled for destruction, then be destroyed again after the required waiting period is over. Destroyed Plants will move to the Destroyed Plants table in Canix after synced
- Undo Scheduled Plant Destruction
- Toggle Plant as a Mother Plant
- Move Plant to Inventory (Package Plant) - Plants packaged in BioTrack will sync as new packages in Canix, and the plant will no longer be visible in Canix currently.
- Schedule Plants for Harvest - BioTrack’s API requires plants to be scheduled for harvest before a harvest can be created. These actions can be done sequentially without waiting a period of time, but must be done in BioTrack
- Harvest Overview - Metrc/Standalone harvest overview tables and detail pages are not available for BioTrack in Canix. BioTrack does not display this information in their UI, but Canix will support this view at a later time.
Package Activity
- Create Samples - Package Samples cannot be created in Canix, but is synced from BioTrack once created. In BioTrack, samples are noted as Vendor Sample in the QA column, and displayed with a green checkmark in the Is Sample column in Canix’s packages table.
- Sync Transferred packages - Once packages are active in BioTrack, they will remain in the Active Packages view, and are removed from the Active view once the transfer is received by the customer facility. The Transferred packages table will sync with these packages at a later date.
- Lab Tests - Creating QA Tests and syncing Lab Results is not supported in Canix. Lab tests can be manually uploaded in the lab tests table, and will be populated on packages to display around Canix as expected. If a package is scheduled for QA Testing, it is displayed as Pending QA in BioTrack, but this status is not updated in Canix currently.
- Schedule & Destroy Packages - Packages must be scheduled for destruction in the BioTrack API before destroying. This kicks off a waiting period that may vary by facility, and is not displayed in Canix currently.
Transfer Activity
- Create Manifest - Canix does not currently display whether a package is scheduled for transfer or on a manifest. Manifests cannot be created from Canix packages.
- Create Outgoing Transfers - BioTrack has 3 types of Outgoing Transfers (facility transports themselves, 3rd party transports, customer picks up). Creating transfers are not currently supported or synced with Canix, and are created from manifests in BioTrack.
- Create Incoming Transfers - These cannot currently be created in Canix, but new packages in a facility will be displayed in the Active Packages table once synced with BioTrack.
Things not available in BioTrack API
Additional limitations in features not currently supported by Canix may be identified as implementation of those features begin.
- Syncing existing BioTrack Products - These represent product names for End Products (products for retail sale) in BioTrack. These are optional for other inventory types. A current list of Products created in a BioTrack facility are not available to sync, and are populated in Canix Items once seen on a package. New products can be created in Canix and are synced with BioTrack once used in a new package submission. There is an option to submit new products to BioTrack when not used on a package.
- Syncing existing Preferred Vendors in BioTrack - Vendors are synced from BioTrack to prefill facility information when creating a new vendor in Canix. However, Preferred Vendors in BioTrack cannot be synced from the API and will need to be recreated in Canix as a Vendor.
- Additional functionality and features supported in other BioTrack versions, such as their desktop product, are not available to integrate with in the API.