Canix offers a Forecasting and Planning feature which provides users with another great tool to help them scale their businesses. Within this menu, you will find various features that allow you to better understand the production of various plants and locations within your facility. In this article we will cover Cultivation Forecasting; for information on Location Forecasting click here.
Cultivation Forecasting
Cultivation Forecasting provides you with a forecasted view of harvest yields and timing to better plan space and labor requirements. This tool will help you determine how much wet and dry weight to expect from a harvest, and when, for labor planning and sales pre-ordering. You can also use this data to plan dry room space and labor for trimming and packaging so that neither is overcapacity.
With Canix's Cultivation Forecasting you can enter forecasting details per plant batch at the time of creation, and when editing a batch, to predict expected wet and dry weight, yield per package type, labor, and timing.
To manage Cultivation Forecasting, navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Cultivation Forecast Settings
From here you have a number of options to both create and edit your Cultivation Forecasts.
To create,
- Navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Cultivation Forecast Settings
- Click Create New Setting, in the upper right
- Select the associated strain from the drop-down
- Not required if it's a default setting for all strains
- If you wish to make this a default setting for all strains, select Is Default Setting
- Update the Total Days to Harvest and Yield Per Plant (wet)
- Click Save
To edit,
- Navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Cultivation Forecast Settings
- Select the Cultivation Setting you wish to edit from the table
- Update the Total Days to Harvest and Yield Per Plant (wet)
- Click Update
To delete,
- Navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Cultivation Forecast Settings
- Select the Cultivation Setting you wish to delete from the table
- Click Discard, in the upper right