What sources do you get your immature plants from?
Create clones from mother plants in the existing facility
Once initial plant inventory is in your facility, you can create new immature plant batches from existing plant sources. To do this, follow these steps in the help center.
Supply clones/seeds from my other cultivation licenses
If creating clones or seeds in another license that you own, but want to finish the cultivation cycle in another of your licenses, you will first need to create a transfer from your nursery license to your flowering license.
To begin, follow these steps to create a package of cuttings taken from mother plants in your nursery license.
If the cuttings are already in a plant batch of their own, follow these steps to package the immature plants, which will remove quantity from the plant batch's immature count.
Once the package is created, you will create a transfer to your flowering license. Follow these steps to create an outgoing transfer.
As a Metrc facility, you will need to receive the incoming transfer in your Metrc account due to Metrc API limitations. For facilities not connected to a compliance system, you will receive the incoming transfer in Canix to create the packages using these steps.
Once you've received the incoming transfer of plants, you will see the packages received in your Packages table. Follow these steps to unpack these packages into new plant batches in the receiving license.
Purchase clones/seeds from a 3rd party
Packages of plants, clones or seeds purchased from a 3rd party are received through incoming transfers. As a Metrc facility, you will need to receive the incoming transfer in your Metrc account due to Metrc API limitations. For facilities not connected to a compliance system, you will receive the incoming transfer in Canix to create the packages using these steps.
Once the incoming transfer is received, the packages are available in your Packages table. Follow these steps to unpack these packages into new plant batches to begin the cultivation cycle in Canix.
Packaging clones for storage or transfers?
If transferring clones between your own facilities, see the previous section for immature plant sources for guidance on the full process.
Packaging clones already in the system as plant batches
If plantings are already in plant batches in the system and are ready to be packaged, you will use the Bulk Package Planting action. This action will deduct the package count from the plant batch immature count, and is used when clones are already in trays, for example. Follow these steps to package immature plants from plant batches.
Packaging cuttings from mother plants
When taking cuttings from mother plants and packaging them, rather than creating a new plant batch in the system, you will use the Package Unrooted Cuttings action. This action creates a package with the specified clone count, but does not deduct from the mother plant or plant batch count. Follow these steps to package cuttings for storage or transfer.
How do you track cultivation non-cannabis materials?
By recipe, applied to plants on a schedule
As non-cannabis materials are applied to plants on a schedule, such as nutrients, the quantities may remain consistent over time, but the cost can vary based on the cost of the applied nutrients at the time. Using Canix to deduct non-cannabis materials using First In, First Out (FIFO), plants receive a more accurate direct cost for materials applied during the cultivation phase based on the actual price the materials were purchased at. This cost follows the plants from the immature phase through to harvest for a full cultivation cost that can then carry over to packaging and production costs in your other licenses.
There are multiple ways to apply cost to cultivation inventory in Canix - applying individual ingredients to plants at the time of consumption, scheduling consumption to apply on a recurring basis, and automating the application of materials and cost at the end of the cultivation cycle to capture retroactive activity.
Automate application of materials and cost at the end of the cultivation cycle
As non-cannabis materials are applied to plants on a schedule, such as nutrients, the quantities may remain consistent over time, but the cost can vary based on the cost of the applied nutrients at the time. Using Canix to deduct non-cannabis materials using First In, First Out (FIFO), plants receive a more accurate direct cost for materials applied during the cultivation phase based on the actual price the materials were purchased at. This cost follows the plants from the immature phase through to harvest for a full cultivation cost that can then carry over to packaging and production costs in your other licenses.
There are multiple ways to apply cost to cultivation inventory in Canix - applying individual ingredients to plants at the time of consumption, scheduling consumption to apply on a recurring basis, and automating the application of materials and cost at the end of the cultivation cycle to capture retroactive activity.
Manually track individual application of materials and cost per plant batch or location
Tracking individual materials throughout the cultivation cycle, rather than at the end of the cycle when packaging from harvest, can be more time consuming, but provide a more accurate picture of cost to produce certain strains and batches. This involves assigning NCI products and labor to groups of plants from the plant batch, vegetative and flowering plants table.
To assign NCI to plant batches and plant inventory, see here.
To assign Labor to plant batches and plant inventory, see here.
Estimated or averaged across all plants
Rather than applying individual NCI and labor cost to plants, some create Bills of Materials (BOMs) to capture all cultivation cost in their first bulk package from harvest. The BOM has an output item of a general bulk flower or unbucked item, with NCI on the BOM to represent any cost related to nutrients, fertilizers, etc.
To create bills of materials, see here.
Where did your plant waste come from?
Loose waste, not from destroyed plants
When waste comes from plant activities before harvest, such as pruning a room, follow these steps. Harvest Waste is logged separately - this is not for logging waste resulting from a harvest.
For Metrc facilities, waste must be uploaded to Metrc after submitting. A ready-to-go CSV will be emailed to the user who submitted the action in Canix to upload in Metrc without the need to edit anything. Follow these steps to upload the waste in Metrc.
Waste from destroyed plants
When plants are no longer viable, they must be destroyed in the system. Destroyed plants are logged when creating waste. Follow these steps in the help center.
For Metrc facilities, waste created without destroying plants must be uploaded to Metrc after submitting. A ready-to-go CSV will be emailed to the user who submitted the action in Canix to upload in Metrc without the need to edit anything. Follow these steps to upload the waste in Metrc.
When is your plant changing locations?
At the same time as changing growth phase
Plant locations can be changed at the same time as changing growth phase. When taking the Change Growth Phase action in Canix, use the Location field to specify the new plant location.
Outside of growth phase changes
Plant locations can be changed at any time using the Change Location action in the plant batch or plant tables. Follow these steps in the help center.
What plant phases/stages do you track?
Required compliance phases only (Immature, Vegetative, Flowering)
Growth phase changes must be logged according to your state regulations. Usually this requires logging changes as plants move from immature to vegetative to flowering phases. In California, plants are tracked in the immature stage until they change to the flowering phase. Follow these steps in the help center to change growth phases from immature to vegetative, and vegetative to flowering.
Some plant phases/stages between the required compliance phases
Canix provides Custom Growth Phases to track plants in stages outside of the required compliance phase, such as tracking the size of trays or pots a plant is in, or creating a Vegetative phase for California facilities that don't have one through Metrc. To track which plants are in each stage, how long they have been in that stage, and more, follow these steps in the help center.
How do you harvest your plants?
Harvest the entire plant and log individual plant weights
Harvested plant weights can be logged in Canix directly, or in a spreadsheet for upload into Canix when all plants are harvested. Entering weights directly into Canix requires each strain be harvested independently, where the spreadsheet will separate the plants by strain to create different harvests at that time.
To enter individual plant weights into Canix directly, follow these steps.
To scan tags and enter weights into a spreadsheet for import into Canix, follow these steps to upload the spreadsheet. Tags can be scanned into spreadsheets using barcode or RFID scanners using online resources explaining various spreadsheet capabilities. Some scales can also be configured to post weights into your spreadsheet for a more automated harvest process.
Additionally, learn more about our partnership with Stashstock and Outlaw for mobile harvesting options.
Harvest the entire plant and log average plant weight
An average weight can be applied in Canix if the sum of the harvested plant weights are split across the plants in the harvest by using the Total Weight field in Create Harvest actions. You can either enter the average weight per plant, or the total weight for the harvest to be averaged automatically for you. Follow these steps in the help center to randomize averaged harvest weights.
Manicure part of the plant and log individual plant weight
Manicuring is the process of harvesting part of the plant, while leaving part of the plant to continue to grow. The plant in these activities will remain Active in Canix, and not be moved to Harvested. To enter individual plant weights into Canix directly, follow these steps.
Additionally, learn more about our partnership with Stashstock and Outlaw for mobile harvesting options.
Manicure part of the plant and log average plant weight
An average weight can be applied in Canix if the sum of the manicured plant weights are split across the plants in the manicure using the Total Weight field (see steps here). You can either enter the average weight per plant, or the total weight for the manicure to be averaged automatically for you. Follow these steps in the help center to randomize averaged manicured weights.