Canix provides tools to review overall Non-Cannabis usage, as well as the Non-Cannabis inventory applied to specific plants and packages.
- Reviewing Overall Non-Cannabis Usage
- Understand more about your total non-cannabis inventory usage over time.
- Audit Non-Cannabis Items Applied to Inventory
- Audit the ingredients or materials applied to specific plants and specific packages.
Reviewing Overall Non-Cannabis Usage
Total costs and quantities of Non-Cannabis Products consumed over-time can be viewed on the Non-Cannabis Inventory Usage Overview Report. Use this report to answer the following questions:
- Which non-cannabis products am I spending the most money on?
- How is my spend increasing over the last few months?
- What is average weekly usage for each product?
- What is the estimated # of weeks I have before I run out of each product?
Audit Non-Cannabis Items Applied to Inventory
In some states auditors ask for information on the exact Non-Cannabis inventory or "ingredients" that have been applied to specific tags. To view Non-Cannabis inventory applied to specific tags use the Non-Cannabis Usage Report and search the relevant tag in the "Applied to Inventory" field:
To see the Non-Cannabis ingredients applied to an entire Lot (if you're using Lot IDs in Canix), view the Non-Cannabis Usage Overview Report, using the tag and lot filters at the top of the report, and scrolling down to the last table "Non-Cannabis Usage Details" to see the most granular detail:
For cases where a vendor has recalled an ingredient, for example a recall is out for butane, use the "NCI Lot" filter to see which inventory that ingredient was applied to.
To view non-cannabis inventory applied to packages, you'll also be able to view this on the package details page. Detail views are not currently available for plants, and plant batches. To request detailed plant and plant batch histories, please upvote this feedback in Canny.
How is "Average Weekly Consumption" defined?
Average Weekly Consumption = Used Quantity / # of Weeks Used.
Where the Used Quantity is total quantity consumed in Canix
Where the # of weeks used is the unique weeks there was usage logged for that product. If a product is only used on two separate weeks in a month, that will count as 2 # of Weeks Used.
Weeks Remaining = Available Quantity / Average Weekly Consumption
- Where Available Quantity is the total quantity on active lots available
- Where Average Weekly Consumption is calculated as described above