Production Planning helps to plan and predict inventory quantities that need to be ready by a certain date for sales or further usage. It also helps in understanding and planning for the amount of source cannabis or non-cannabis inventory required to produce new inventory by a certain date to ensure there is the available quantity for production. The Production Planning calendar can also be used to view and schedule future plans and see plans that are ready to be approved or are already in progress.
To utilize Production Planning, navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Production Planning
From here you have a number of options to both create and edit your Production Plans, as well as gather information on your current and needed inventory.
See this video or continue reading for information on how to use Production Planning in Canix:
To create a Production Plan:
- Navigate to Forecasting & Planning > Production Planning
- Select + New Production Plan in the upper right
- Enter the required fields to create a new plan:
- Production Plan name
- Estimated Start Date
- Goal Output Items
- Select the Goal Output Quantity for the item and the Units
- Select a Bill of Materials to associate with the output item
- Select the Cannabis Source Items
- Enter a Sale Price Per Unit (optional, but used to calculate the Estimated Profit Per Unit)
- Optional fields that can be entered for a plan:
- Product Description
- Production Batch Number
- Customer
- Estimated End Date (utilized to populate on the calendar)
Production Inventory Table on a Production Plan:
Once the Production Plan has been created and Goal Output Item has been added, the Production Inventory table will be populated with the Goal Output item, and any non-cannabis inventory and source cannabis that will be used to create the output item.
Note: Editing the Goal Output quantity will not re-populate the production plan quantities as new inventory may have been added beyond the BOM associated with the goal output. To edit the ingredient quantities after the goal output was specified, double click on the Desired Quantity value to edit each row.
Any inventory that won't be expected to have enough quantities by the available start date will appear in red.
Select the Estimated Available Quantity to be able to view any plans that item is already on, any purchase orders to replenish that item, any sales orders that will deplete that item, or any manufacturing batches using that item.
Inventory can be added to a Production Plan in three ways:
- Add from Bill of Materials
- To add from a Bill of Materials, select the cannabis item you would like to add inventory to
- Select Actions > Add from Bill of Materials
- Here, the quantity can be changed, a Bill of Materials can be associated and the source items can be changed
- Bill of Materials can only be added to cannabis items
- Add Cannabis Source
- To add a cannabis source item, select the cannabis item you would like to add the source to
- Select Actions > Add Cannabis Source
- Here, the source item and quantity desired have to be selected
- A specific package can be selected as well
- Add Non-Cannabis Product
- To add a non-cannabis item, select the cannabis or non-cannabis item you would like the NCI to apply to
- Select Actions > Add Non-Cannabis Product
- Here, the non-cannabis product and quantity desired have to be selected
- A specific lot can be selected as well, or Canix will select the lot based on first in first out if no lot is selected
- To add a non-cannabis item, select the cannabis or non-cannabis item you would like the NCI to apply to
To remove inventory from a Production Plan:
- Select the non-cannabis inventory and/or source cannabis item that will be deleted
- Select Actions > Remove Inventory
Production Plan Homepage:
The Production Planning homepage contains key information about your plans including a calendar view, a production plans table, a production inventory table, and an expected outputs table.
- Calendar View
- The calendar in Production Planning displays all of your active production plans (In Progress, Draft, and Approved).
- Select a plan from the calendar to edit production details, production inventory, or goal output items.
- Production Plans
- The production plans table displays key information about your plans including the status, the output items, and the dates of the plan
- The details of the plan can be edited or viewed by selecting the name of the production plan in the Production Name column
- Bulk actions can be taken on plans from this table including changing the status and deleting plans
- Remove or add columns by selecting the Columns side menu
- Production Inventory
- The production inventory table shows all of the non-cannabis and source cannabis inventory that is planned to be used on any future plans
- It displays the date that they are needed (Scheduled Start), the item, the required quantity, the current quantity, the estimated available quantity, and how much inventory to order to have enough by the scheduled start date
- Any inventory that won't be expected to have enough quantities by the available start date will appear in red
- Estimated available quantity is impacted by purchase orders, sales orders, other production plans, and manufacturing runs that utilize that inventory
- Expected Outputs
- The expected outputs table shows all outputs with an estimated completion date and their respective quantity
- Only outputs from production plans with estimated dates will display on the table
- If a plan has a “Draft” status, the row will be highlighted in grey and show the label “From Draft Plan”